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I saw Momo sitting as far flat as possible but not laying. I called out to from the kitchen window, but he didn't look up. Then my eyes move down a bit, and I see Sammy walking towards him.
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That is why he wasn't looking up in my direction.
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Immediately I walk out on the deck as Sammy is walking toward poor Momo.
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It looked like he was going to swat him as Momo scrunched back but picked his paw up to protect himself.
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I yell out, "Sammy, ate you hungry?"
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Sammy, in surprise, turns around looks at, I clap my hands a few times.
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Those few seconds while Sammy is staring at me, Momo takes off.
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As Momo is running. Sammy takes the time to spray the area where Momo was sitting.
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Giving Momo more time to run.
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I'm pretty sure he got away unharmed.
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Sammy followed the direction Momo was going in but was not running after him.
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Another close call.
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My poor, sweet ginger boy is bullied too much. poor baby.
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I blame myself, because if I had come out a half hour earlier.
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Momo would have eaten and then wandered off, avoiding the incident.
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I'm so sorry, Momo.