I have the index and you know what I have weird mixed feelings about it out of the box there are a lot of things I actually kinda like more about the quest 2 or think are on par or exactly the same as the quest 2 on the index very little seems different other than it fits better on my head, it absolutely is not a night and day difference
the quest 2 has guardian, controllers that last one month off of swappable AA batteries (which can be rechargable), can be a portable VR setup with comparable screen/image quality to the index at lower refresh
the sound isn't horribly worse than the quest 2's built in audio, and with the right head strap it gets extremely close to an index in comfort you can also be untethered from your PC for free, while the index costs like another 200-400 bucks or something
basically if you don't care about refresh and lag and just about comfort and resolution and convenience the quest 2 is far more convenient than an index and gives you feature parity other than precise tracking and hand tracking and the ability to add on functionality for only 300* dollars
The guardian and 1 month lasting controllers of the quest 2 are definitely a plus. The index controllers are definitely over-engineered, and qa on the whole kit is kind of egregious
All that being said I still vastly prefer using the index connected to a PC than the quest wired or airlink. I even play Oculus exclusives using the index with revive
you can listen to Walmart music while browsing around you're not gonna be in pain 🤨 also you can just use whatever wireless headphones you undoubtedly have that are probably better than the index speakers too
I have weird mixed feelings about it out of the box
there are a lot of things I actually kinda like more about the quest 2 or think are on par or exactly the same as the quest 2 on the index
very little seems different other than it fits better on my head, it absolutely is not a night and day difference
you can also be untethered from your PC for free, while the index costs like another 200-400 bucks or something
but it's not a selling point for me