impulse control here sucks and having God fuck around with your insides is definitely something he has zero faith in people to actually pause, think, and make a pros and cons list
John was basically Jor El who then got handed Jesus Powers only guess how well that all goes when you've got Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerburg with their own agendas?
(also, although he likes Johann, he likes Iris too. and understands vindictiveness. and he trusts that he hasn't done anything to make John pull a doublecross and do something similar to him)
Is there any particular behavior one would notice while he was on the deck? I wasn't sure if he was obviously patrolling or something like that. I may just tag him in the commissary
Torchwood's mission statement is practically "we found this alien object, let's poke at it and see what it does!" so John's suggestion seems perfectly within average and acceptable bounds of recklessness for Norton.
John's counterpoint: "I think the current setup is fine" says Johnny Five-Dicks. "Perhaps I would like to not be made of tissue paper," replies Chainsaw-hands Joe.
honestly Gonou's sense of appropriate bounds for recklessness is also deeply fucked, so this is not necessarily a good recommendation, but that's where he falls!
Gonou meanwhile is a little bit concerned that it's his tendency to devalue his own suffering that's getting in the way of making himself less squishy....
for ooc knowledge... John actually is not intending anything shady or shitty. there are reasons he's an inmate, this is not me supporting this as the Best Idea Ever for everyone. I'm just saying for ooc: he's not trying to scam anyone.
nah B doesn't necessarily think he is. he just. thinks it's a bad idea to make some individuals in the populace stronger than others without, y'know, being really, really careful about it >.> as the resident bad-result supersoldier
: oh I just realized I didn't mention: it's less patrolling and more just staying upon deck and reaching out his senses, so it just looks like staring at the stars. Sometimes sitting, sometime leaning against the railing. the resurrection beasts are by and large HUGE
lmao I just had this long moment of like snack guy? I don't think Danii and I discussed John opting in for feeding her, and then it freaking clicked you meant like literal food snacks
she OBVIOUSLY won't be taking this offer, she has to cut her tail/legs and reshape her flesh and bones on a regular basis, but she approves of inmates having a choice in the matter.
Norton: Me. I'm the idiot.
"You just haven't paid it yet"