caspar has a tl over on the robot fight even but idk if kazuki will be doing robot fights LMFAO... that said i can link you to erika's even tl and grant at the breeders' association once those are up!! ...and also potentially to caspar and erika on the dtf mingle once i get them on there
: Kazuki is doing option 2 because lol he'd be completely useless otherwise, but I'll open him up to all post-event stuff, maybe caring for injured people or just trying to be helpful in general
because along with the spring of hope I think that'd be soemthing he'd be very good at. he'd be even better at it if he had a trumpet at this point but I don't think he would have one yet (hasn't filled any squares lolol)
NODDING and tragically not that i know of, it's more if they happen to have light spells already or got access to certain items from past events! since erika ALSO does not have anything like that she's just. gonna be meleeing the shadow monsters sldfksdklj
but NODS!! i can link you erika's tl once that's up, and potentially we could do something with him and caspar post-event once i've sorted out for sure. exactly how fucked up caspar got lmfao. i know he got hurt pretty bad but we're working out details still so!!!
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