Chatter Plurk for March ๐ŸŒˆ ๐Ÿ€โœจ
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I've been sleeping really wonky hours lately... staying up too late even if I get up earlier... or I'll get up early and then go back to sleep for awhile later
I guess I need to make myself go to bed early... or just reset my sleep schedule by staying awake all day, but I don't especially want to do that...
I got a melatonin sleep aid, but I always forget to take it 30 minutes before I want to go to bed like you're supposed to... so IDK if it helps or not
at leas I haven't been having crazy dreams... I quit taking melatonin before because I'd have these vivid, weird as heck dreams and it was kind of freaky and I didn't like it...
I didn't feel like cooking so I just had hummus and crackers for dinner...
glad I ordered some protein meal replacement powder stuff so in the future when I don't feel up to making food I can just have that
I figure it'll help me cut back on needless calories, too
I am so sleepy... I can't really concentrate and just want to lie down...
but I know I shouldn't because I want to get to bed at a reasonable hour and taking a nap now would mess up my sleep schedule even more, probably
I was still going to run a few errands this evening, but I think I might just forget about it, I havae no energy to go out and about
at least I finally figured out what to get mom for her bday... I was having a rough time with that... so I should order it soon
also probably get her some candy... and maybe flowers idk
got snowed in today... it's really pretty out, tho and the snowflakes are big and puffy โ›„
Forgot daylight savings started tonight oof
Ok itโ€™s 9 am and I havenโ€™t really slept so... just gonna lie back down for awhile
today is national napping day, but I didn't take a nap oops... I woke up late and felt tired all day bleh
I was considering downloading Detective Pikachu before the 3Ds shop closes down, but my 3Ds is like full so I'd need a new card... and the game isn't on sale, it's $40
so idk I might just wait and try to buy the cartridge at some point...
I need to remember to get the Ace Attorney DLC I don't have yet, since I still haven't played all of the AA games and need to finish them
I really wish I could keep track of things better and I wish I could quit my checking account that charges a $10 "service fee" if you don't make a deposit every month. I don't have direct deposits and then I always forget and end up making a deposit at the last minute
then the bank tends to charge me, anyway, and I have to contact them and say I want my $10 since I did so make a deposit... and they don't always have a set date to charge me and there've been a few times they didn't even send me my statement
the other bank account doesn't charge a monthly fee, but I think I can only make cash deposits if there's one of their ATMs or banks near me and there is not so... idk... I think I have to have another bank accountn for cash deposits and then link accounts to transfer money from one to the other
I just wish I wasn't so forgetfl, I can never keep track of time or money so I goof up too often...
it really shouldn't be that hard to pay something off on time or make a deposit, but it seems nigh on impossible for me to be on top of things...
I have a craving for deep dish pizza... I miss living close to a pizza place that serves it... have to go across town to get some now and that's a hassle, haven't had any in forever
mom asked me to make a lasagna for her bday Friday... now I can't find the recipe I used last time I made it
also going to make the chocolate cake. I'll go out tomorrow and get groceries to make everything so I need to make a list
I'm still debating whether to go out to a candy shop to get her something, too. there's a restaurant near there that I really like so I might get takeout if I go idk
I have never made a veggie lasagna using eggs before, but I keep finding recipes that add eggs... I guess to make it stick together better idk? (unsure)
I can't remember the last time I made a cake from scratch... for special occasions, the last few years I either made pie or cookies or brownies or whatever... so I have no idea where my cake tupperware container things went
I used to always make cakes for people's birthdays, but either folks don't want them or they end up getting a store-bought cake so I just haven't made any for quite a while
I don't know whether I should make the cake or lasagna first... usually I find baking to be rather chill, but I'm thinking the cake might seem like more of a pain idk
maybe I'll start with the cake and while it's baking/cooling I'll do the lasagna... then I can frost it
I really should've started earlier cuz it'll take awhile, but oh well... maybe I'll actually be tired enough to go to bed at a reasonable hour when I'm finished with everything
I also plan on getting up early tomorrow so yeah... need sleep...
maybe listen to Conan O'Brien needs a friend while I do stuff... haven't tuned in for awhile
ok first I need to make some more coffee
ok it's 3:30 and I started cooking/baking at like 9:30 so... yeah that took forever...
time to try and sleep for a bit, I guess...
I probs ate too much sugar licking the beaters and frosting bowl, but that frosting did come out really good... the recipe made like A LOT so... thankfully it is tasty
back is seriously straining and hurty today for some reason... all I can figure is I must have slept on it wrong, since it's been messed up since I got up
ok I got the last 3DS themes I really wanted... idk I still plan to try to complete games on the 3DS so I figured I might as well switch it up a bit
I got the Substitute theme because I love Substitute even tho it probably has the most annoying Pokรฉmon music to go with it...
need to remember to pick up and mail a b-day card before Wed... April is sneaking up on me
may also get some Easter/spring cards to send to a couple ppl idk...
I don't normally buy much Easter candy, but might get some if it looks good
for some reason Easter candy is never quite as good as other holiday candies imo
a target not too far away has some of the Peeps Pepsi in stock, while I want to try it idk... might drive over tomorrow if I feel like it
I also want to get the Dr. Pepper Strawberry Creme... I'm a sucker for strawberry soda and so I bet it's good
Man itโ€™s 66 out why do I still feel so chilly...
Wanna go bundle up in some blankets for the rest of the afternoon but I should really run to the store
for awhile it looked like it was going to storm today, but it's mostly been sunny and just... super duper windy
probably should have gone for a walk, since it's been warm, but since there was the possibility of severe storms and maybe tornado I just stayed in
I don't have much energy, anyway, even though I went to bed at a semi-reasonable hour
I've been putting off making dinner for like... two hours... just had some almonds for "lunch"