Looks like the final statement from my old place is arriving in the mail today. I'mma be twitchy ALL DAY until I see what they decided to charge me.
Hopefully it's not anything I have to fight. I hate fighting apartment complexes. The said they charge a cleaning fee by default, which makes me twitchy since I know they're renovating my old unit. But whatevs. But if they charge me for like.. damages from smoke/heat when a good chunk of the building burned down? We're gonna have words.
I shouldn't by anxious about this until I see the statement. But I am having flashbacks to my place before that (which was so awful I coulda legally broken lease pretty much from the moment I moved in/such a health hazard in hindsight I'm lucky it didn't kill me) which charged me to clean the carpet.
Carpet which was badly damaged and they never replaced the padding on after one of the many many floods/sewage backups, saying it was too bad off and needed to be replaced entirely
Mind you. That battle was easy. I offered to send them pictures of the sewage backups, or video of my roommate using a hand sanitizer bottle as a boat during one of the flooding instances. For some reason they declined and removed the cleaning fees
Anyway. I'm looking back at this last place. Where I lived 4 years, now that I am in an actual nice place and wondering why I put up with it that long (I know why: a combo of price and the place before it warping my perspective of what to tolerate in an apartment)
So this might not be the statement I was expecting. It looks like my electric company screwed up and ended my electricity at the old place 20 days early. (I requested it end 1/31 and it ended 1/11 -headdesk-)
Only way to pay? Check. Guess I gotta hunt my checks down. Dangit energy company
I have a check written. I had to look up how to write it. XD I don't write many checks okay? XD
Asdfg the old apartment complex called me up today like "We got your check, but you have a 0 balance. Can we just shred it"
Shred, shred away friends. Also seeing as this was the last day you could a billed me for a cleaning fee -punches the air-
Now the money I was holding for that possibility can go to my CC balance
ahaha, lovely! congrats!
Uggghhh I have another statement coming in the mail from them today. I'm prolly gonna have to go in person to make sure I get this nonsense resolved.
I absolutely 1000% do not want to do this.
But if I owe money and mailing a check just gets a "you have no balance can we shred this?" then I can't even PAY THEM without going in person
Fun update! The new statement is billing the electricity at a higher rate than the first one. I also noticed that they are charging a $50 fee just for them billing me.
Contacted my electric company to see if they could charge me for that period since I have in writing it wasn't supposed to be cut off on 1/31 and they were as confused as me. They show the request and the cut off date and it looks like it was due to someone requesting electric at my old place early. Which ummm...
Given that the apartment company has the bill, I think I know who did that. So they aren't charging me extra for the electric company's ****up. They are charging me extra for THEIRS. I am Livid.
Like at least they didn't charge me a cleaning fee. But like uhhhh. This is SHADY
I have a coworker helping me write them a letter. Because I am too passive even when angry and would never be able to hold my ground. But on principle. I should not have to pay this nonsense. I will happily pay for the electric I used. But NOT for their mistake. (Even with that letter, want to bet I end up giving in and paying it? XD)
I continue to have a 0 balance. The manger has assured me I won't get another bill. (I insisted he write this note down on my statement and sign it)
(nope nope nope, do not cave and pay it.)
Couldn't have caved if I wanted to. They INSIST my balance is 0 and I now have that in writing from the manager.
keep that safe. take pics, make copies.
Gonna scan it at work tomorrow
I already had an apartment complex send me to collections for charges they never sent me a bill for in the first place, you only need to be sent to collections without even having a chance to avoid it once before you get paranoid
yeah.... :/