Streaming company: "This movie is in Korean, so we've subtitled the Korean for you in English"
Me: "They also speak English in parts of the movie"
Streaming company: "You know English"
Me: "Are you gonna subtitle those parts too"
Streaming company: "...You know English"
A Grinning DM
They really need to be called out more on this
like yeah I speak English but I don't speak Mumble
A Grinning DM
Also like some people are deaf. Working in special education it amazes me how often accommodations are just fucked up from no one thinking it through.
A Grinning DM
This is the equivalent of a crosswalk with a wheelchair ramp on only one side of the crosswalk and a 4 inch high curb on the other
Be Maki-Mine 💘
honestly, the crosswalk example is barely an exaggeration either
A Grinning DM
Oh it’s not, I’ve seen that for real
A Grinning DM
As thing is I had used that crosswalk for years without noticing until I had to push someone in a wheelchair across it
A Grinning DM
Sad thing*
ugh i've seen bollywood movies do this too, it drives me nuts
the thing is i'm not paying that much attention to the dialogue because it's in a language i don't speak! i'm reading the subtitles for that!
so when they do switch to the language I know, it takes me a minute to switch gears and catch up
Be Maki-Mine 💘
or conversely if I'm listening to dialogue that I do understand well, then my eyes are not on the bottom of the screen where the subtitles wil lbe
yes absolutely the switching gears thing
if there's 12 lines in korean then one line in english I WILL miss the first half of the english line
Love Snake Kaja
A Grinning DM : yeeeah I'm deaf and seeing stuff like this aggravates me