illin' klorvus
[chuckles] i'm in danger
illin' klorvus
apparently they are Seriously Rushing Me into a dermatologist. it's not uncommon to take years to get a derm appointment
illin' klorvus
so getting one in five weeks is wild
Oh man, I hope everything's OK.
illin' klorvus
apparently my new GP took one look at my dermatology concerns and went WOW, NO
Good on your GP for taking things seriously, though.
oh gosh, but it's good that it's being taken care of at least!!
illin' klorvus
i wouldn't have considered either of my concerns necessarily urgent? which means neither of them is going to kill me soon, probably
illin' klorvus
which is possibly a fucked up metric for that
illin' klorvus
(like i can see the path where HS could kill me but it's unlikely...and i've probably got ten years before melanoma is a real concern)
illin' klorvus
(HS would have to cause a wound that got infected and it would have to get wildly out of hand and turn septic before i could do anything about it)
illin' klorvus
(HS is short for hidradenitis suppurativa if anyone feels like googling)
/fistbump for a fellow HS buddy
This is “mid rush” to a derm if it makes you feel better
Full rush is “we’ll see you tomorrow” which I had once
Moles were removed, I cried
But I think this is more “hm yeah you should be seen sooner”
illin' klorvus
Apparently where I am this is super fast
illin' klorvus
My wife commented to her mom, who is recently retired/still works part time in healthcare and she was like "oh shit"
illin' klorvus
I did show the deem my currently months-old open wound
illin' klorvus
The gp rather
illin' klorvus
hellpet : omg i missed this before, fistbump
illin' klorvus
i mean i guess it could be something else but it seems like a pretty textbook case
i'm glad they're hurrying it along to see you
Adiva but sleeb
Yipes! I hope everything goes well when you get in there
𝚊𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚎🧛
Glad they're getting you in so soon!
SO, the first time I went to the doc about it, they flipped out because I had been in a part of India that had had a bubonic plague outbreak.
A very nervy walk-in clinic.
illin' klorvus
lmaoooo well i have not been exposed to the plague fortunately. i've only ever been to the US and canada and some caribbean countries
ngl, most doctors give that bit of my medical history a double take.
"...bubonic plague. and you had scarlet fever?! What century are you from?!"
(I did not have plague, but there is a slim risk I was exposed.)
illin' klorvus
i did have a positive TB test once!
illin' klorvus
they gave me a different one and went "okay you were just allergic to the first one"
Good times. Good times.
Let's just not get anything weird, okay? I mean, I can live with some boring-ass illnesses. Nothing that makes a doc go "...huh, that's new."
illin' klorvus
lmao i hope not
illin' klorvus
i did have a very wild respiratory illness that no one could identify once
illin' klorvus
it was in july 2019 so we're pretty sure it can't have been covid but otherwise i'd probably suspect it
I got something during the SARS outbreak that was wild. Dude I was in the dorm with, his parents were diplomats, came back from China, and a handful of us got intensely sick with a weird respiratory thing.
Most of us were on inhalers for almost a year after. x_x
illin' klorvus
illin' klorvus
yeah, i had spent the day before i got sick in a hospital while my stepdad had surgery, and then i went to bed at 2am thursday night/friday morning and woke up at 2pm saturday afternoon