the division between Molokov & Walter tends to be that Molokov has a genuine attachment to Anatoly, while Walter’s relationship to Freddy is almost entirely to get his job done
KC Molokov, on the other hand, expresses a long-term relationship with Anatoly. He’s worked with Anatoly since he was a little boy (so they’ve known each other for… 25 years MINIMUM, tbh probably closer to 30-35 given Anatoly’s normal age range).
Another highlight is the transition between “The Soviet Machine” and “The Interview” - set to the melody of “Hungarian Folk Song”, which doesn’t appear independently in the scores that have this transition.
Molokov sings a verse to end “The Soviet Machine”, and Walter sings one to begin “The Interview”. It’s a melody only they share, emphasising just how similar they really are.
He sabotages his country’s player, he makes fun of Freddy, and he makes it very clear that the Only reason he’s involved is because he’s been assigned to handle this.
Musical Nerd
CHESS: some more motivic notes
好我知道刻意破壞的部分應該是偷藥,但make fun不知道有沒有多說點什麼,我很期待他繼續更加混蛋