unemployment/jorbsearch good news!
I was checking on something else and got the email that the EDD had added funds to my account!
the only problem now is that bc it's been over a year, the original card expired and they have to send me a new one, which means I can't set up transfers to my bank until I get it (and I'm not sure I even can when I do, apparently that's a functionality that was removed at some point??)
EVEN SO, I should be getting the new one next week some time, and I'll be fine on other things bc I'm also getting my final severance/continuation payment this week and as long as rent and utilities aren't insane, I might even be able to splurge on something nice for dinner over the weekend
(I say as if I won't just make a bowl of ramen anyway)
little hell。
maybe you could put an egg in your ramen, as a treat
I actually added harbled eggs to my imaginary foods order for just that reason
(and I have good ramen from the discount grocery, so that's a whole thing)
(Imaginary Foods = Imperfect Foods, I accidentally called them imaginary once and haven't been able not to since)
little hell。
i'm sorry what kind of eggs??
little hell。
glad you have the good stuff, i was only recently introduced to shin ramyun and i can never go back to maruchan now
little hell。
assuming we're referring to the instant stuff
LOL sorry, Hard Boiled
and yeah it's instant, and apparently just the noodle part? No actual soup part, which tbh is fine with me
(I do have a couple cups also from the Imaginary Foods that are soup style too and also good)