no, no he is not, he's just been granted unearned privileges he won't take advantage of... but he WILL use his powers to protect people as needed from newly powered inmates... and be MUCH more relaxed in some ways because no longer crippled
Tim is annoyed he loses his big room, but he knows SW will mostly behave so he's not stressed, just Lowkey Bothered. if anyone needs a stable fucking presence
lol, if you want someone to shut down tentacle wrath SW can do some freezing or teleporting or time stopping... technically he could also do some mind control or other more heinous shit too, but He Will not >.>
Arthur is going to hide in warden rooms that he can lockpick his way into and be too focused on his own security to remember that Nathaniel would have a warden item now too
nathaniel probably wouldn't try to talk about what he's learned during the flood, because he likes to try to hold onto things until he thinks they'll be most useful/he's just so well behaved
exactly, he's well aware that this is a flood and he's very responsible and arthur can probably write a list of what's likely to come up when nat finally gets pushed into an actual fight
is Kiki planning on like, actually hurting Hunter, or is she just going to string him up to make a point about how powerless he is/powerful she is
I think more the second than the first. She has no real reason to hurt him whereas before in their world, she wanted to replace him. I think she's too scared of Dracula to be super cruel, just kind of general jackassery
Mouth Powers
so eiffel is gonna get attacked by a vampire, then attacked by someone being controlled by the same vampire, and then attacked/confronted by Doc Ock when they get paired
hothow subtly can hilbert kill him while he's unconscious to get that sweet sweet Decima blood backhe'd have to be revived by his inmate during the floodgonou will hold your flower, baby