ween hallowed
[star trek] q calling Picard his friend and that look Picard gets
ween hallowed
Nobody has sympathy for a continuum having to be human
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
it's slightly ironic that everyone thinks the pilot episode of TNG was kinda bad, and yet it gave us the greatest recurring character in the franchise
ween hallowed
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎ everyone just needs to appreciate that it gave us q
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
everyone does! the episode is not beloved, but Q sure is
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
... also some of the things you're choosing to comment on as you go through makes me wonder if you'll enjoy what they develop further in Star Trek Picard. once you're done with all the prior context, ofc. xD
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
(which includes the movies and Voyager)
ween hallowed
So much to get through, but that’s always a good thing lmao
ween hallowed
⛥ fαиgυιѕн ⛥ was so amused by how heated i got last night when watching worf challenge the high council, and i still firmly believe that protecting duras and decomissioning worf has brought great dishonor to the entire klingon empire
ween hallowed
no honor, only betrayal
⛥ fαиgυιѕн ⛥
i know how much you love worf
ween hallowed
⛥ fαиgυιѕн ⛥ i do! he is precious
ween hallowed
Romaulans continue to be the dollar store version of Vulcans, prove me wrong
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
I mean, the lore is actually that they're an offshoot of early Vulcan colonization, so
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
you're kinda not wrong
ween hallowed
that's probably why they're so angry all the time
ween hallowed
ween hallowed
we see that the whole ass family are traitors that align themselves with the romulans, we need need to throw out the entire family as well as the high council
ween hallowed
worf's brother has a point, but i don't believe that gowron deserves to be lumped in because the only reason why he's not helping their family because he can't afford to fuck with the high council
ween hallowed
i love how the klingon women wear those outfits that show off their tiddy, but also it seems unwise to keep such a vulnerable area open even if they're not in battle
ween hallowed
Man it sucks that starfleet’s rules don’t allow them to get involved, because worf is right. If the other side wins they’ll be forming an alliance with the romulans and it affects the way that part of space is occupied
ween hallowed
ween hallowed
Fuck you! Data is more capable than anyone on your fuckin ship to be captain throw this shitty manchild into the brig!
ween hallowed
The fuckin undermining he’s doing, like data doesn’t care about the lives of his people
⛥ fαиgυιѕн ⛥
So passionate
ween hallowed
i love data, he may be incapable of actually having feelings but he thinks about organic life a lot and admires humanoids like shit he's sentient for a reason
ween hallowed
You know there was that one episode of lower decks where they did a bit abouy kids in the future learning about Boimler being the laziest crew member in history, and they were next going to talk about o’brien being the most important crew member in the history of starfleet
ween hallowed
I still very much do believe that O’Brien is the most important, and it’s reinforced every time he shows up in tng
⛥ fαиgυιѕн ⛥
ween hallowed
Alexander is so cute I love seeing him trying to bond with worf it’s amazing to think that he grows up to be such a serious little man
ween hallowed
Also, barclay, bless you for helping Alexander create this holodeck program but I don’t think you needed to make it that accurate to the ancient west
ween hallowed
Wonderful I was hoping that miss Annie would also become data
ween hallowed
I don’t like jelico being the captain of the enterprise
ween hallowed
I would mutiny
ween hallowed
yess i'm so glad there was an episode where the enterprise crew visits the ds9 data learns how to dream and worf liberates baby klingons that don't know how to be klingons ;a; and also baby bashir asking data the important questions
ween hallowed
now we have data trying to engage in... small talk. please never stop trying to grow my android
ween hallowed
sometimes when picard does his little stardate logs at the beginning of the episode he sounds so aggro, like he's in the middle of trying to hunt a lion
ween hallowed
sdlfjlksjdfkljsdlkfsd data trying to mimic this guy wtff this is killing me why is he like this??? hand movements and shmoozy faces
ween hallowed
i like how beverly was confused at first, but riker caught on right away and was deeply amused
ween hallowed
picard got so excited by horses
ween hallowed
i just got like so confused??? i thought picard just literally took out tuvok, but then i noticed he didn't have vulcan ears so i guess it was just the actor playing a smaller role lmao
ween hallowed
I know this guy just tried to attack Picard from behind, but Picard is also being oddly on high alert in this episode
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
lol yeah Tim Russ had a few bit roles in the franchise before Tuvok
ween hallowed
Hutchinson and data in the forever loop of a nothing talk
ween hallowed
All Picard wanted to do was ride the horsies
ween hallowed
This woman lecturing Picard about how you shouldn’t drink earl grey at 3am. Listen. Some of us aren’t sensitive enough to be affected by the low levels of stimulants in tea
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
never lecture a British French man about his tea (nottalking)
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
(it amuses me that it took until Star Trek Picard season 2, literally last year, for them to give a story explanation for why he sounds British despite all of his backstory centering on French heritage)
ween hallowed
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎ that's such a long time for them to explain that slkdjfkljsdlfkjsdlk like i've been wondering this forever
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
the real reason is "Patrick Stewart can't do a convincing French accent", lmao, but they finally did explain on-screen that the family was driven out of their home and fled to England where they stayed for several generations
ween hallowed
lmao yeah i figured that was the case tbh, i mean an englishman trying to sound french? terrible
ween hallowed
but that is an interesting storyline, considering that his brother currently lives at their fam's old french estate
ween hallowed
Even data was put off by lore’s very creepy brocon, disassemble dead
ween hallowed
Anyway, worf thank you for reinforcing my dislike of jazz
ween hallowed
I feel a connection with the klingons, I feel like if I were going to be any alien race that would be it. With giant hands and big burly arms, I wasn’t fortunate enough to be a dainty thing
ween hallowed
Anyway, I’m still having a hard time getting used to troi wearing a normal starfleet uniform
ween hallowed
The insulting impact of jelico lingers and this dishonors my feelings
ween hallowed
Lawaxana freaking out and causing riker look like a very confused dog
ween hallowed
Geordie not understanding how cats work, still dying that data named his cat spot
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
have you seen the part yet where Worf is supposed to take care of Spot for a bit while Data's away...
ween hallowed
I don’t think I’ve gotten there yet, I know riker tried taking care of spot and had no luck
ween hallowed
I love how Geordie is disappointed how the cat has data trained, but that’s just having a cat. You learn their wants by their behaviors and difference in sounds
ween hallowed
man this episode with things changing around worf suddenly is so fuckin wild
ween hallowed
but you know, i don't think i mind this au idea of worf and troi getting married. it seems so cute
ween hallowed
but the idea of geordie dying automatically makes this the bad place
ween hallowed
nooo i don't want to imagine a reality without alexander
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
they actually did try to make Worf and Troi a legit couple by the end of the show, but you've already seen DS9. you know it didn't stick.
ween hallowed
yeah, it's a shame. like i loved worf with jadzia, i just want him to be happy and not keep losing his mates
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
the whole situation with Jadzia was bullshit too, the actress just wanted to do fewer episodes as the show was ending so she could have time to seek future opportunities. but the producer demanded that she do the full season or nothing, so she quit.
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
when the writers and creative staff found out years later, they were livid and said they absolutely could have accommodated for her
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
and I like Ezri too, they made the most of what time we had with her, but it's a shame the underlying situation behind the changeover was so awful
ween hallowed
god, that's like the same thing they did with tasha yar isn't it? except the actress just wanted more character development for her and producer just had her killed off in that shitty way
ween hallowed
it's such a shame because i liked tasha as well, it would've been interesting to see her character grow and develop past such a pretty basic setup
ween hallowed
like i like we got worf afterwards, but it would've been great if there were some way they could've had both tasha and worf idk i just feel a lot of the decisions made for simple requests were just ridiculous as if there were no way to accomodate those requests
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
Voyager has one too, where they fired one of the actresses because they brought on a new character they wanted to push more. but in that case, it was almost one of the guys that got the boot instead.
ween hallowed
like i think the idea of still keeping jadzia and having ezri still struggling with getting a symbiote under an emergency situation would've been a great idea and would've been fun as well
ween hallowed
oh yeah, i remember reading about that because i was curious over the sudden change in kes having long hair. i would've been just as upset to lose harry, the poor guy was only saved because he was voted one of the best looking people around the same time
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
god, now I'm imagining an alternate universe where we got Ezri with a different symbiont and Jadzia getting to be her mentor through the process... ;~;
ween hallowed
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎ that would be so good tbh because i really did enjoy ezri and to be able to have an entrance on better circumstances is great and jadzia being a mentor is just so
ween hallowed
i just wonder why the producer could believe that having characters suddenly booted after watchers have grown so attached wouldn't have some negative feelings
ween hallowed
like i've enjoyed a lot of these casts, but treating the actors and characters with more respect would be better
ween hallowed
i was watching a little bit of discovery a few weeks ago, and roman was idly getting something from the room at the time when one of the characters said fuck and he was so shocked and i just found it hilarious
ween hallowed
spaceballs was the only space driven saga that embraced the idea that just because it's the future doesn't mean that english curse words suddenly disappear
ween hallowed
!!! sudden paul sorvino! yes!
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
lmao it's even more jarring watching someone throw an f-bomb at Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek Picard
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
meanwhile the "adult" animated series Lower Decks bleeps most of their profanity solely because they think it's funnier that way
ween hallowed
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎ he hasn't gotten to see picard yet, he wants to but i think at this point he's waiting for me to finish tng lmao i think he's been really glad that i randomly decided to just binge all of star trek but also confused as to why i'm going out of order hahaha
ween hallowed
i'm just chaotic and go with what i feel like watching
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
you'll get all the context eventually! xD
ween hallowed
yeah! i tend to remember a lot of things, so streaming the context together is pretty easy once i get to it
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
hell a lot of people grew up on out-of-order reruns, at least you're seeing the episodes in order
ween hallowed
right? lmao when growing up my sister's boyfriend (eventual husband) used to watch a lot of tng while he was high so i would get parts of it in passing whenever i happened to be in the same room
ween hallowed
fjslkfsklfjsfd future data at cambridge with a million cats, living the dream
ween hallowed
i love he