Zigzag Stampede
At a Carl's Jr. for the first time today and I only had to go all the way to Australia to do so!
Zigzag Stampede
Where I grew up in the States we didn't have Carl's Jr. so it's not a chain I'm familiar with
ready to rook
was it called hardees in your state?
Zigzag Stampede
Maybe? But we didn't have a hardees in my little country town either
ready to rook
lol. yeah, that's probably a good thing. :-D the question i have is does the carl's jr. you are at have a green burrito too?
weird almost-relevant question: when you moved to oz, was there a substantial difference in the taste of beef?
Zigzag Stampede
It does not and I am sad
Zigzag Stampede
Not that I noticed? But I do have almost no sense of smell and muted taste buds so I would not be the best person to ask that
Zigzag Stampede
We are ranking their chips (aka fries) and I think they may be my favourite among the fast food places
Zigzag Stampede
cluelessnu is sticking that Oporto has the best.
Maccas continues to hold bottom spot
Zigzag Stampede
Still wish Panera Bread was here over this, but not bad.
Zigzag Stampede
I tried one of their chicken burgers. Pretty standard. Nothing I'll be running out to get again, but if someone went: Carl's Jr? I'd probably say: sure, why not
Zigzag Stampede
I'd rank it over McDonald's at least. Probably under Hungry Jack's (aka Burger King) and about on par with KFC. Actually, maybe a bit higher than Oporto because the chicken didn't taste as dry as some of the chicken I've had from them.
Zigzag Stampede
But that's also probably the difference between fried chicken and grilled.