I have been kicked out of second life
for 'participation by Residents in lewd or sexual acts in which one or more of the avatars appears to represent minors (or the depiction of such acts in images, video, textures, or text)'
Oh no!
but don't worry folks. There are still lots of fun things to do Rape Slut RLV CAPTURE GANG BANG FREE SEX FREE PORN N...
3 days after my 15th anniversary there. I guess it's time to move on
I'm so so sorry this is happening G.
I'm pretty stunned. They kicked out all the non-premium alts the end of last week. It took them a few days more to kick out the premium ones
I filed an appeal on one of the alts, and it was denied within two hours, with the comment "this ticket is closed. do not reply to it, or try to enter second life with any avatar"
This is absolutely crazy
Squeak =^..^=
Mostly Phen
Oh shit!
This sucks. You’re sure your accounts weren’t hacked?
I am so very sorry
Omg! I'm so sorry, Gingo!
One of the owners of a store in SL had their account suspended for the same reason a few weeks ago, but it was determined that the activity originated from an unusual IP. I’m now curious why it seems LL is cracking down on this
Natalie 🌈
This sucks... I am sorry.
Squeak =^..^=
I'm sorry you are having trouble - but how do they police it? What's to stop you opening another account?
Squeak =^..^= : Pride, anger, the capricioius nature of ToS and random enforcement
Squeak =^..^=
I totally agree - though we both know that's not what I meant.
Wen , I doubt LL is cracking down more than usual, since it's always been an insta-ban. They don't seek it out, they respond to abuse reports.
And although they don't share much about their arbitration practices, it's likely that they act on ageplay abuse reports with less evidence than others because the legal consequences for them would be significantly stronger.
Or because the RL impact could be stronger. Those two things go hand in hand.
Now, the two incidents that we're aware of, coming back to back, could be coincidence. Or there could be an increase in such abuse reports that is either taking place on its own or was inspired by the high-profile one involving the creator.
Squeak =^..^= : I honestly don't know about VPNs or sneaking back into Second Life after a ban. I can't imagine, at the moment wanting to do so
This is crazy and scary. I've been accused of having a child AV (I do not). Does this mean I'll get arbitrarily booted if someone says something?
What in the holy hell?
Looks like child and childlike avies and adult avatars should not be in the same spaces then. Unless LL can prove that the accusations are actually true. Seems to me like a new way to grief adult avatars. Of course im sure it is only a few bad apples ruining the bushel...for both age ranges
Sharon told me about this Gingo! and it is just awful, I'm really sorry both because this has happened to you, and because I'm losing one of my best SL friends. I am SO sorry
PlurkDevi , no idea, but lots of people have kid avs long-term with no issues. I'd guess they make a point of avoiding adult-rated regions.
Lette : That's all logical and reasonable(ish), something I could not be at 5am :-&
Ugh GIngo i'm so sorry! this is awful :-(
That happened to someone else recently and all they had to do was talk to an account specialist Linden. I'm so sorry.
It took a couple of days but they were back in full force very soon.
Squeak =^..^=
Can Strawberry do anything?
I recommend calling the Linden Hotline or whatever it is and speaking to a person.
heylisa : I filed a ticket and the response was so final and creepy it finished turning me off to all things Linden Lab. I have a history of problems with them in the last few years that makes me not willing to go around with them again
The shop owner that happened to last week also got one of those. They called and spoke to a person, if I am recalling correctly, and it only took a couple of days to be fully back.
I'm really sorry that happened to you, and I can't imagine how that feels. My avatars certainly don't look my age, but I don't pretend to be a child and it would shock me to have such an action filed against me.
I'm glad we connected here. Plurk is real. SL is all dolls. :-D Cute dolls and stuff, but not "real" to me like Plurk is.
Gingo! : We're all still here and can talk. We won't go away.
Sorry to hear of your issues Mr G. hugs from Kat & Jo
oh no Gingo :'-(
Maybe in few days call. This is awful
I'm so sorry to hear of this, Gingo. Maybe take a rest of a few days and then try again to have it overturned. Much love to you, friend.
Mostly Phen
I want to thank all of you for your words of support encouragement, and love. It's been a great run. IF I choose to fight this it will be because I'd miss you all too much otherwise
:-o I’m so sorry, Gingo! That’s very upsetting and I don’t blame you for not wanting to go back. I hope you find peace in whatever you decide.
I'm more sorry than you can imagine. You were among my first SL friends and have always been an ingral part of my SLife and a special part of my RL. I was so happy to meet you and your wife in person.
Hilda : That turned out to the the high point of my retirement cruise!
So sorry to hear about this, Gingo, and really unnerving that it happened - it's shocking just to read about. Wishing you all the love and support from here!