so, this week at work has been interesting. last Friday, at finished packing up 7.6 million tree babies, and now we're cleaning all the greenhouses and such.
the past 3 days I've done nothing but scrub things, which is a departure from how I usually make money
also, they have a huge bonfire they're using to burn up any broken pallets, etc, and unfortunately the greenhouse I was working in had a open bay door directly down wind
on the plus side, I did get to trial wearing a p100 for the summer, and it's fine
amazing how sweet clean air tastes after breathing smoke in for a bit
I was going somewhere with all this but I can't remember where
Also I come home covered in diluted oxyclean and my skin is slippery because one of my gloves sprang a leak and I got soaked
ah! apparently once the greenhouses are done, they're not going to have work for us for a week or two, so that may be a good time to visit
but no one knows how long the cleaning will take
Hamlet 3.3.87
oooooh, a week or two vacation! neat-neat!
Hamlet 3.3.87
you guys could come up here, but i will warn you the place is an utter mess due to pulled-groin-everythings
I'm well versed in messes, never fear
I'll let you know when we know
Hamlet 3.3.87