okay this is driving me nuts, I can't remember something someone said about the language used for incubi and succubi
incubi is "to lay on top" and succubi is "to lay beneath" and there was a word for "to lay side by side" and for the LIFE of me I can't remember it
god, I know I've seen that but I can't remember either
RIGHT??? I feel like this is something questionableveracity would know but I also don't know who the language nerds are on my timeline, I am a nerd of many flavors but language is one of my failings
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well "cubare" is the "to lie" part, soooo
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juxta or iuxta maybe?
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"prod" is more "against or opposite" and prodcubi sounds weird
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"deinde" can also be used as an adverb for "next" such as "next to"
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"iuctim" is a variant on iuxta that more specifically means "together" or "consecutively"
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(i believe this is where "juxtaposition" comes as a word actually)
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juxcubi/iuxcubi also sounds weird though
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big woop
I think at some point I've seen "concubus" suggested, from "to lie with"
big woop
...yeah here, I think you may be thinking of this tumblr post
big woop
: oh my gosh brambs that's it that's the post
big woop
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there's "cambion" for half-incubi
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