Love Snake Kaja
I kinda want to play in a Pathfinder 2e campaign (I'm currently running one). It still has some of the issues of D&D, but has some neat features like the action economy system and overall has generally better math. Plus character building is fun, particularly if using the optional rules that give you free feats of particular types.
Love Snake Kaja
An interesting interaction with the action economy:
Love Snake Kaja
So, you get three actions per turn.
Love Snake Kaja
Period. They aren't subdivided into subtypes.
Love Snake Kaja
(Though free actions are still free actions.)
Love Snake Kaja
You also get one reaction per turn (though some class feats can give you one more reaction that solely can be used for the class's special reaction, like Champion's reaction that reduces damage for an ally who's been just hit).
Love Snake Kaja
There's a spell, the Heal spell.
Love Snake Kaja
The interesting thing about it:
Love Snake Kaja
You can spend one action to cast it and heal someone by touch.
Love Snake Kaja
You can spend two actions to instead do a ranged heal for an increased amount of healing.
Love Snake Kaja
Or you can spend three to do an aoe heal for even more healing.
Love Snake Kaja
Many spells take two actions in general.
Love Snake Kaja
Also one action = one attack (generally, some feats will give you attack actions that take more than one action and attack spells usually take two actions).
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You can attack up to three times, but for each time after the first you take a penalty to the attack roll.
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(Some class feats and such give you special attack actions that take up two actions but do two attacks without an attack penalty and so on.)
Love Snake Kaja
So you often want to do other things than attacking.
Love Snake Kaja
Note that save-based spells don't count against this action penalty, only ones with an attack roll, but from what I've seen save-based spells tend to do less damage but often has extra effects.
Love Snake Kaja
So you can, like, attack once then cast a spell that forces them to save, for no penalty.
Love Snake Kaja
So overall it encourages you to vary up your actions.
Love Snake Kaja
Grappling and tripping are also notably effective actions, often helping set up for the rest of your party to do more damage.
Love Snake Kaja
Fighter in particular get a class feat that lets them grab someone on a successful attack.
Love Snake Kaja
Such actions are particularly effective if you have a rogue in your party, as grabbed or prone opponents count as flat-footed, letting the rogue do sneak attack damage.
Love Snake Kaja
(Flanking also can make enemies flat-footed.)
Love Snake Kaja
(The same things can be done to you.)