sdfk pffff. Della calmly glancing over after checking a few of his novels out. ".... I feel like you might be retreading a theme here." "Whatever do you mean?" "Fine, I'll be blunt. This is just you and Blitzo in AUs."
Parents do it to their kids, mostly elders to youngers - Aunts and Uncles, Grandparents, they'll do it to littl'uns. Usually stops when the kids are about preteens (with the kid going 'you're embarrassing meeeee')
But adult couples do it to one another as a sign of physical affection, not really to clean them but just enjoying the skinship/touch
Hey, "go on forever if not stopped" is my gag! /jk
I couldn't help it. One more DW dig.
Unless told otherwise, I'm totally saying she saw the Sexy Fanfic and read it.
trashyspicy romance novellas".... I feel like you might be retreading a theme here."
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Fine, I'll be blunt. This is just you and Blitzo in AUs."
now I want to write a horrible trashy fic and accidently post in on the dream journalsDella calmly replying "You misspelled 'vigorously".
Experiment on children? No. Beat the shit out of them? Sure!
This is so dumb I love it
You'll rip my "disney ducks preen themselves/each other, usually as a sign of affection" headcanon from my cold dead hands
But adult couples do it to one another as a sign of physical affection, not really to clean them but just enjoying the skinship/touch
ooo... this could be hella adorable
Amused he keeps calling her a cyborg and she's just... rolling with it. Probably because she's being reminded of Dewey.
Casual reminder this show is bananas.
I saw the opportunity, I took it, and I feel very little shame about it.
/double checks to make sure the movie was made before/during mei's time/ 2001. Nice.