I am so happy I am moving in less than a month XD
I was sound asleep, the bars were loud, but I was tired enough I slept through it. Until 2am when they started emptying and the parking lot party began (a regular occurance unless a cop car is chilling in the lot)
I just heard a siren and the abruptly the volume outside decreased from a dull roar to almost dead silence except one bass line from places unknown and one conversation.
Greatly looking forward to living somewhere away from bars. Especially somewhat shady ones.
I went to one of them earlier in the evening for food. Once. It didn't go well. For SO MANY different reasons (the food was not even one of them). Never went again and never went to any of the others.
So anyway. The closest food place to my new place is a bagel shop that is maybe a block away from the edge of the complex. (I am excited for the bagels)
It is currently 3:30am Parking Lot Round 2 has kicked off in earnest. Do I give up on sleep and just play Pokémon? That is the question.
Pokémon won.