a box
[rp]/ okay so. i haven't been in dwrp in a long time and usually my hiatus' then were like...pretty short? what do people usually do after long ones, like i'm sitting here unsure what to do re: atem's whereabouts
a box
i can't do too much until after i get home from work but i guess i'm at a loss
a box
like i know he's been with his travel buddies but i'm having trouble thinking of a way to explain his absence otherwise? i used to be more actually-planning about this alskdfa
a box
i also haven't really been keeping up with what's been going on while i've been away from rp
December hadn't had much going on anyway, but usually castmates/close CR will be willing to handwave stuff!
the owo pokemon
yeah not much going on in december
joey organized a christmas meetup for all the ygos so there's a starting point