This is so cute! Decorate My Tree?
leaps out of your cabinet and starts decorating
I'm going to need to reinforce my cabinet doors soon, huh? :-D
Need to make them more stable for you to burst out of them
Also thjis tree thing is adorable. It wont let you see notes until christmas. That's cute. warms my lil pagan heart.
i have been running around leaving stuff on peoples it's so fun
I'm hunting down trees now to leave notes too. This is adorable. I'm not even big on christmas trees and yet i'm like THIS IS CUTE. FILL OUT ALL THE TREES WITH LOVE!!
6! that's way more then i expected. /happy wiggle.
(I don't do trees. But I love you and I miss you and I'm so glad we're friends.)
🫧 bubblewitch
I haven't done a real tree in a while, but this was too cute not to do. Also, it aligns with my pagan sensibilities. So it seemed reasonable LOL
Also it's jsut adorable.
𝐎𝐡, 𝐉𝐨
done and done!
Not me spending like a hour scoring through plurks to find all the trees for people LOL
this is the cutest thing and i look forward to opening all the messages tomorrow.
I almost never do Love Memes, but someone else said it and i agree. there is something nice about getting to pick a cute lil image to give a private note to.
I find it a ton more charming then normal.
GUYS... honestly, getting to open and read all these notes is the highlight of my Christmas. The forced wait to read them all today was nice. Much better then the standard love memes where you just get comments flat out. IDK why, this was just the most lovely thing to come online to and open and read!
Truly gifted by so many people this year too.
This was great and I hope to remember to do this next year because it made it all that much more exciting to get.
also not me over here taking screen shots of everything so i dont lose it... >_>