Weather and bitching inside
I was hoping to god my dad and i could just shut off our water today when the sun was up, buy my sister just told me they have no water, so I guess they're all froze up. So I'm pretty sure that means we can't just shut off because the well might freeze up or something
So whether or not I can handle it, I have to keep maintaining our house for another couple days. And I'm honestly going to lose my mind any second. I don't know if I can handle this.
But I don't really have a choice, either.
I have to walk around every half hour to make sure the pipes we haven't already lost (cold water in the kitchen froze) stay open
every single half hour
no breaks, no resting. Just have to keep going. Don't want to, but have to.
Just, pray and or hope for me that I make it through this sanity relatively undamaged
I am sending positive vibes your way D: