/mumble mumble.... pulls out a warmer scarf for tomorrow....

https://images.plurk.com/1mhygRSSxVsy2FbFUuayKD.png https://images.plurk.com/Kg0pUDJtUNVqrMADN99Az.png
27F here.
ehhh, I'm used to it. it's just inconvenient, to wear the thicker scarves. you get overheated much faster while in the store, than while wearing a thinner one....
then by the time I'm done getting my things and ready to check out, I'm feeling whiny and too hot....
broken 🗲 fuse
https://images.plurk.com/4WaPPbaEbOK9V2xVJyRPTz.jpg I feel better about here
/updates the OP with the app set to C for everyone else
I wish you both warmth and possibly hot cocoa or tea or something. or maybe just some very comfy warm clothes/a nice blanket. idk what tickles your fancy tonight, but cheers to whatever it is.
broken 🗲 fuse
Bed tickles mine!
may your bed be all comfy and cozy, then!
We got a little snow a while back, but it's mostly been in the low 40s here.
Though it looks like things are likely to get a bit nasty later this week. 27 is the forecast high for Thursday, with possible snow, and we're likely to see freezing rain on Friday