
Let's Talk Before the Zatsu

YugoAsuma FulgurOvid Noctyx NijisanjiEN
前面講聊天室規矩的我不逐字打出來了,簡單來說就是①取消表符數量限制 ②扳手不會做任何動作 ③大家可以自由發言表達自己的感受
: The first stuff... pretty much the only way we can start, is that I think I speak for all of us when I say that we’re devastated about Yugo’s graduation.

We are all going to miss Yugo Asuma. The fact that he’s not a part of Noctyx anymore is really fucking devastating.
: I had a whole script plan for this and then I realised that if I read the script it would just sound so robotic and stupid. So I’m just gonna free flow this and at the same time it’s probably going to sound even more stupid in a different way. So I’m just going to ramble. I hope you guys are okay with that. So just give me a minute from time to time.
: What I do wanna say before anything else starts, is the fact that everyone in the community is hurting right now. Whether you were Yuguys, whether you were a fan of Noctyx, whether you’re just a fan of NijisanjiEN, whether you’re just a fan of Nijisanji. This is a big moment for everyone. Everybody has been affected by this in different ways.
: And we all need to be understanding of the fact that people deal with that in different ways. So if there are people who lash out, if there are people who... frustrated, we just need to accept that as a fact.
: And so rather than trying to argue with them, rather than trying to attack them back, rather than trying to start fights in comment sections, in social media wherever the heck it is, it would be far better if instead of doing that, you just let them. Maybe try to comfort them. And essentially try to support the other people who need support.
: Whether it’s other members of the community, whether it’s fans of Yugo, whether it’s fans of Nijisanji, whether it’s the livers themselves, and especially Noctyx right now.
: That’s something that’s been really touching since the news came out, is the fact that all of the NijisanjiEN livers have been so supportive to Noctyx. The fact that none of them really wanted to think about anything else. They just essentially said giving Noctyx extra support, take care of Noctyx.
: And that’s another reason that I really wanted to do this today, is because I know that most Nijisanji members are essentially waiting a Noctyx to say something about this, before they feel comfortable saying anything about it.
: So yeah I... we’re devastated. I will say now that we have known about this for a little while which I’m sure a lot of people have known about. I made sure that I got permission that I could say that on steam is yeah, we’ve known for a little while that this was coming.
: We had no idea when it was going to come. We had pretty much no time to prepare for the fact that it was dropping on Wednesday night. And so, I do want to make it clear that nobody in Noctyx knew when this was going to happen. And the other three members of Noctyx who are currently on holiday did not plan their holidays to avoid this.
: And I did not plan this zatsudan to talk about this. This is just terrible fucking timing. And that’s why you probably noticed so many Nijisanji livers who have been scheduled for around the time needed a break, because it suddenly hit so hard. But we were told that it was going to happen, and it’s been weighing on us for quite a while.
: And I am sure a lot of you have seen different livers dealing with it in different ways throughout this time. Whether they just weren’t getting much sleep, whether they weren’t particularly feeling well, whether they were perhaps a little bit more down recently. Yeah, it’s just one of those things where...(被會員提示音打斷)
: ...but yeah, we’ve essentially known that this was coming. (再次弄提示音設定)
: Um, yeah essentially we didn’t plan for any of this. And I felt really bad because it’s something that I do often is get like way overly chuu-ni, or way overly dramatic. I guess there’s the news came out and everybody saw that what was on my schedule with the whole like, “we need to talk about the future...”
: Everyone was like “oh~ they knew this was coming and they’ve left fuu-chan to deal with this”, and no, nobody left me to deal with this. Nobody decided I was gonna be a mouthpiece for this. Um… I didn’t plan for this to be about this today. It was just bad timing. It just happened.
: And yeah, we’ve been carrying this for a while, and dealing with it on our own way. Because we have all signed contracts and we know what we are allowed to say and what we’re not allowed to say. So we’ve all tried to be professional during this and tried to stay strong, and tried not to let our feelings slip through as we do everything else.
: And that is something... Now I think a lot of us want to continue as we go forward, is the fact that we’re going to continue streaming. I personally I’m going to continue my zatsudan after this and I want it to be a normal zatsudan.
: I said earlier and I even mentioned it on the Omori stream, which again, it was something that I was thinking about, but it wasn’t something that I intended to feel so poignant when I said it on the Omori stream. It’s the fact that everybody grieves in different ways.
: And one of those ways that people grieve, me personally I compartmentalised things, which is why it’s so hard to be sitting here in front of you now and trying to talk about this and trying to explain some basic things.
: I am not quite ready to be talking about this right now. But at the same time, if I didn’t do this now, I know it’d feel much worse for people if I tried to keep going back to work.
: And at the same time I need to be steaming right now. Because that’s how I’m gonna be able to distract myself. That’s how I’m gonna be able to move forward, is to keep working, keep distracting myself, compartmentalise for now and deal with it when I can.
: And then maybe other people who need to take breaks. And I understand that there are going to be many fans right now, who cannot watch Noctyx right now, who cannot watch Nijisanji right now, who cannot watch my stream right now. And I want you to understand that we all accept that. There is nobody who’s going to be hurt.
: If right now you’re hurting at the loss of Yugo, and you need to take a break from it, you need to just stay away from everything for right now, whatever you need to do, for now to take care of yourself is what you should do. And that’s another part of the whole.
: People grieving in different ways and... I get really annoyed when there are people saying... essentially “Why do they keep using the word ‘grieve’?”, “why do they keep using the word ‘loss’?” Because we are all grieving, and we did lose something.
: Yugo... in fact yeah, I’ve seen a lot of people mentioning the fact that we’re never gonna end up getting to the Noctyx one year anniversary, which sucks. We’re not gonna have five of us when we hit the anniversary.
: But technically, Noctyx has been together for a full year already. Noctyx has been together for a year because two months before we started streaming, we were already with each other, pretty much every day in discord calls,
: trying to calm each other down about the fact that we were going to be Nijisanji livers, trying to help each other through that stress, trying to guide one another through what kind of content creation we were going to do.
: I see people in chat saying “Doesn’t grieve imply?” No, it doesn’t always. You can grieve for the loss of so many things. And yeah... yeah that’s actually perfect.
: In the description of this video I actually linked to a help guide which talks about grief and loss. And one of the main things they talk about there, is the fact that you can grieve over the smallest things that maybe people don’t think are so bad.
: People can say “oh you haven’t lost Yugo Asuma. He’s just doesn’t working with you anymore.” And yeah that’s true but it just means that I’m going to be spending a lot less time.
: And it means that Yuguys are not going to be seeing Yugo Asuma. And it means that everybody else is going to constantly feel that fact that there was Yugo in Noctyx and now there isn’t.
: And it’s fine to feel pain with that. It’s fine to have to deal with that on an emotional level. It’s... whatever your feelings are, they are valid. And so however you have to deal with those, you have to deal with those.
: And yeah that’s why I linked that in the description. It talks about... I forget the term they use. But essentially when people... well basically share(?) on your grief. It’s just something that does happen a lot unfortunately. People will try to diminish it, and say you shouldn’t feel bad about this.
: And it doesn’t matter. Whatever you’re feeling, you’re feeling. Whatever the livers are feeling, they’re feeling. Whatever Yugo’s feeling currently, Yugo’s feeling. And so we all just have to accept that, and let people deal with things in their own way.
: But yeah, that’s most of what I wanted to talk about. It’s the fact that I need to be able to go back to work. Other livers need to be able to continue their things. There are so many things we’re not going to be able to tell you about because of our contracts.
: All of the questions that I’ve seen people asking, we’re not going to be able to answer, which is why I’ve put the link in the description where you can send messages and ask for information from AnyColor themselves, which is what we’ve been guided to tell you what to do. From that we can’t really say anything else.
: I just wanted to make it clear that yes, we... we did know about it beforehand. It was weighing on us. A lot of us haven’t been sleeping properly. A lot of us have been feeling really sick. The stress has been getting to us. But it was a surprise when it was announced. And we’re just doing our best to get through this and move forward.
: I do want to reassure the fans that do want to see more Noctyx, that we will still be together. This isn’t going to scare us away from spending time with each other. And I know that that’s going to be a sad fact for people.
: I’ve seen it time and time again, people saying, the comment “Noctyx will always be five”. I get the people of saying that, because they miss Yugo. And, we miss Yugo too. But at the same time we are still going to be Noctyx.
: We were given other options. But, we all knew like there was no other words... Me, Uki, Alban and Sonny, could not see ourselves as anything other than members of Nijisanji wave 5 Noctyx. There was no way that we wanted to change that.
: And so, I understand that this is going to be hard for people to deal with in the future. But we are going to do our best to continue streaming as usual. Working our hardest and continuing as members of Noctyx. I know we’re not going to get angry if people talk about Noctyx being five members. That’s not what I’m saying.
: I’m not saying don’t say that. I’m just saying... we just didn’t want to leave behind the Noctyx name. We didn’t want to do anything else. And we’re not going to stop spending time with each other, just because we’ve lost someone. We’re still going to be Noctyx, with the four of us.
: We’re going to stream together. We’re going to do whatever we want to together. And we’ve still... If anything this is actually brought us closer together. In the last... amount of time, I can’t say haha, we’ve essentially been back in discord every day just like we were in pre-debut.
: Because we’ve been so fucking stressed and we’ve been trying to carry this and talk about what we’re going to do as we go forward and... yeah. So we want to keep streaming together. We still all care about each other so much. And we’re still all very much caring about Yugo as well.
: Because that is... yeah a lot of people are pointing out “Yugo graduated”, “Yugo has moved on”. And that’s why I did the two posts on Twitter, where I did the one very normal corporate, one where it was just give us some time we’re devastated... please support Noctyx.
: And then the one that was more in character. Because that’s... the way that I want to think about Yugo moving on. Yugo is moving forward. Yugo is going to find something else to do.
: And Yugo’s an incredibly talented person. In the last year we’ve seen Yugo grow so much as a content creator, as a streamer, as a DJ, just in English, just in how they handle themselves. So I know Yugo is going to do incredible wherever they go in the future.
: And that’s why the in-character response for me was just that Yugo going back to his timeline. And this time he’s going to defeat the Androids, and do whatever the fuck he wants to in his timeline.
: And just in general we’re all wishing Yugo well, and hope that he does have a wonderful future. And we’re going to do our best to continue Noctyx as well, to continue our story.
: And I hope that anybody who is feeling hurt by this does take care of themselves. I hope that all the Yuguys particularly look after yourselves. Do whatever you have to do to make yourselves feel better.
: And just in general like I said at the beginning, just understand that there all going to be people who are obviously frustrated, angry, need to release some stress or whatever. And just let them do that and whatever they want to. Just try to support whoever you can.
: Support any members of the community you think might need some help. Support the livers who have been so stressed recently. And please do your best to support Noctyx. Especially… like this, right? Here is a really fucking stressful and really... out of my comfort zone. But I’m doing my best.
: And please don’t try to make anybody else do this. Please do not continuously ask people what their feelings are, or if they can make some sort of statement. They shouldn’t have to. If they want to and when they want to, that’s totally ok.
: But do not expect that Noctyx members have to immediately come back and do this kind of video, or they have to immediately start talking about things, or that any other members of NijisanjiEN should have to immediately put their feelings on display.
: Because I see so many people say “oh they don’t do that”, doesn’t mean they don’t care or they don’t have any feelings. And again, just like I want people in the community to know that they can grieve however they want to, they can deal with it however they want to. You have to let the livers do that too.
: You have no idea what’s going on in the background. And how many other things they’re dealing with besides this race right now. So please just do be kind to each other. Take care of each other. And we understand that this is going to be a painful time for everyone.
: So just... do whatever you have to. We’ll give you time. Please give us time. And, we’ll do our best to move forward. Yugo, Noctyx, NijisanjiEN, and me. We’re all just gonna do our best to move forward. And let us handle that each in our own way. Thank you so much for being so respectful in the comment section today.
: I’m gonna end this one here. And I’m gonna relax for a little bit. I’m gonna go get a drink, stretch for a bit. And then I’m going to do my zatsudan in about 10 minutes.
: Then just yeah... Thank you for being here. I wish I could say more. I can only say if you have any other inquiries please do take them to AnyColor. And just try to look out for each other, whatever it is. Have a good evening and goodbye.
☺ Sharon☺
tin ▍oh nyooooo
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