duck bastard
[dw problems] Oh yeah, has anyone ever gotten this error when posting/editing an entry: Your entry has invalid HTML and cannot be displayed properly. It will be hidden behind a cut on your journal and on other people's read pages until you edit your entry and fix it.
duck bastard
I'm not doing anything fancy ftr. literally just.... italics. and most of those italics still work! ............up until they randomly start not showing some way down the entry
yes. I think I was just missing a quotation mark in alt text or something.
maybe you fudged a tag somewhere?
Pen Again
maybe you missed an ending >
when a curly quote sneaks in and i gotta fix it
decaf coffee
Yeah it's usually a missing > or "
duck bastard
it's not a tag, I'm working on a fanfic in one of my journals... I thought I'd done a search to make sure all my shit was squared away but... 8Ta
duck bastard
I'll double check
I mean as in HTML tag lmao
duck bastard
.................................oh yeah that's what those are called
Pen Again
papermint tiger
The spot where it's fucked is usually the spot where it all goes haywire
papermint tiger
Track down that bit in your code and you should find the problem