
Hahaha when I lived there, I was always impressed with how strong Jersey pride was. Then I moved away and was surprised to discover how much pride I had retained even though I'd only lived there six years.

Max Graf

they have to because everyone else hates Jersey. (Remember I am from NYC and it is required that we hate NJ and take every opportunity to remind the world NJ sucks)

Actually? Not really. Some of the most beautiful beaches in the world are down the shore. And some of my closest people are from NJ as well. I am just playing

It’s ok, the hate just makes us stronger


I think the hate is where the pride comes from! It's kind of like NJ is the country's best-kept secret, but it's also everything the rest of the country makes fun of it for. It's the weirdest state. Like, "Weird NJ" was the magazine that launched the nationwide series. But it's not just weird for paranormal stuff, it's just a whole enigma.

NJ is fantastic really and truly

: I won’t go as far as to say we’re the best state, affordability is a HUGE issue and then there’s the pollution and corruption but... there’s so much about the state that’s not appreciated too. We are probably one of the most diverse states in the country in almost every imaginable way

Oh yeah, I don't think "best" and "best-kept secret" are the same thing. A better way to put it is, it's the most underrated state.

: I definitely agree!