Hamlet 3.3.87
New York Times journalists stage historic 24-hour st...
NYT workers are on strike today.
“We’re asking readers to not engage in any [New York Times] platforms tomorrow and stand with us on the digital picket line!,” Amanda Hess, a critic-at-large for the newspaper, wrote on Twitter. “Read local news. Listen to public radio. Make something from a cookbook. Break your Wordle streak.”
little prince
Defense bill provision could impact how its sexual assault cases are prosecuted. -
Defense bill includes years-long proposal to combat ...
little prince
Jan. 6 panel plans to release final report week of Dec. 19 -
Jan. 6 panel is planning to release its final report...
Batty New Year
re: the house passing the LGBTQ+ marriage thing, and the republicans citing 'religious liberty' against it: Religious liberty applies to EVERYONE, not just conservative assholes stuck in the early 1900s.
Batty New Year
so screw them AND the horses they rode in on.
should we maybe put the NYT strike in the top-level to make sure folks know and don't share NYT links? (thinking)
Would depend on DamageReport being around to do so...
little prince
South Koreans are getting a year younger, according to parliament -
South Koreans are getting a year younger, parliament...
little prince
Who is Viktor Bout, the Russian prisoner the U.S. traded for Brittney Griner? -
Who is Viktor Bout, the Russian prisoner the U.S. tr...
little prince
Joe Harding resigns after wire fraud, money laundering indictment
little prince
This is the Florida GOP state rep who authored that state’s toxic Don’t Say Gay law, apparently.
little prince
Gee, what a standup guy.
little prince
Boeing's last 747 leaves the factory -
The very last 747 jet has been made, ending a run of...
little prince
I watched the video, and I have seen more convincing crocodile tears on my eight year old niece as she tries to get out of doing homework. Not buying it one bit.
but you guyyyys she just hates gay people soooo much ;_;
little prince
How dare we exist and want to be happy in her /sob/ precious Christian suburbs?!
little prince
First Gen Z congressman says he was rejected from Washington DC housing
worse yet, she's being told that she can't impose her religious views on other people, and that's an imposition on her religious view that she can tell everyone else what to do and ruin their lives if they cross her ;_;
how can you let the government interfere with her religious practice of theocratic fascism ;_;
little prince
The poor little snowflake
little prince
Life must be so hard for her
Batty New Year
So very hard
someone got a tiny violin to play for her?
Batty New Year
Mine broke last week, unfortunately
Batty New Year
Some guy with horns bet me one made of gold against the bottoms of my shoes or something, and things got a little heated.
Batty New Year
...weird part is, I wasn't even wearing shoes
yeah, i... have to say that while I'm glad she's coming home because nobody should be subjected to the bullshit of Russian political show trials? it seems a really shitty trade to have made
A Grinning DM
Fucking Sinema.
A Grinning DM
At least she didn’t pull this shit until after Warnock clinched his win
points for her being more honest I guess
she's just scared of the primary challenger
about that trade, I think Beau has a point, though:

Let's talk about Griner, Whelan, and Bout....

...that the arms dealer might not have been quite as valuable as people think, at this point....
No surprise on Sinema but still
Headed Toward a Middle Ground? Today’s Argument in Moore v. Harper
.......I'm genuinely bewildered by this argument
like... it seems like the Moore side is basically arguing that a state legislature can do anything it wants with no checks or balances at all even in violation of their own state constitution??? which is... just... what
imagine rolling up in front of the Supreme Court with an explicitly anticonstitutionalist-because-the-constitution-says-so argument
little prince
I think Sinema is trying to make Warnock’s win about her.
little prince
Lockerbie bombing: U.S. takes custody of alleged bomb maker in 1988 attack -
The U.S. has taken custody of the alleged bomb maker...
little prince
The Lockerbie bombing happened 34 years ago this month. 270 people died, including several on the ground when parts of the plane fell on and destroyed houses.
little prince
Local authorities in major cities urge indoor masking -
Authorities are urging indoor masking in major citie...