I Build a Hi-Tech House For Stray Cats of Neighborho...

This seems a sort of
Max Graf
and LyyricFei sort of thing to do, only more urban:

Max Graf
ugh, watching this guy triggered one of my pet peeves: He is driving the hardware so far into the wood you can't see the head anymore. Not only does that not give you any purchase for fastening (the screw tears up the threads it should have made going in, so it just spins when you tighten), it sets up the wood and the joint for future critical failure.

Max Graf
Either the wood will split, rot or just pull right over the screw, or the screw will pull out.

Max Graf
This is especially important on wood softer wood that has less joint strength to begin with, like pine. You see it most often on decks that need replacing because they were put together badly.

Max Graf
Set your torque appropriate to your hardware, peoples! Be kind to the wood.

Max Graf