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continuing dad of boy at my own pace now instead of streaming it
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was feeling rushed and overstimulated
You honestly did seem pretty unhappy for most of that stream
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I did forget my meds
that probably wasn't helping
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I think there's a paradoxical tendency in hard action games
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to make the protagonist someone extremely cool and badass
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like if he's so cool why is he dying constantly
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I am torn
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on one hand: I think it's annoying how Atreus keeps telling me puzzle solutions
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on the other hand: I am very bad at these puzzles
Kratos is bad at puzzles
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holy shit
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a living island
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this firebomb puzzle is horseshit
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100% of the difficulty is because Kratos refuses to throw them less than 80 miles
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there is NO way to control the arc
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oh yes there is
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durlin's accent is all over the place
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game good