𖦹 alan
[wow] i love collecting... thank you, All The Things, world's best addon
coochie scarf
𖦹 alan
ffxiv is fine but it has a critical lack of All The Things
𖦹 alan
ive basically forced all my friends who like collecting even a little bit to get it
𖦹 alan
because look at all the shit you had no idea exists
𖦹 alan
rn im running through wrath dungeons to pick up some appearances i'm missing
𖦹 alan
𖦹 alan
my main's stats
coochie scarf
honestly, this is part of why i play genshin for as long as i do (and as long as i have)
coochie scarf
(i'm currently trying to get all the withering zones in sumeru and all the scarlet quartzes from dragonspine.)
Nope, best addon is Rematch.
𖦹 alan
but rematch can't tell me about all the things
Rematch can save ALL my pet battles.