i dreamed something involving going on a hike up a hilly path with a friend and trying to shake off mama and whichever female relative was with her (popo?)
at the top we found a hillside with caves in it but we'd somehow gotten ourselves separated by rock formations so we each went in a different entrance and it was pitch black inside but i'm pretty certain we were close enough we could reunite if we tried
except among all the rocks and things between our two entrances i could dimly make out what appeared to be a cross between an albino...pit bull? and a rabbit maybe?
it was sitting there in a sort of artificial alcove among the rocks (artificial because it was made of rocks and i could see through them rather than because someone built it) and i wasn't sure if it was safe or not but i heard mama and popo coming and vaulted over to flop on the floor there and made a silent shushing motion at the dog
it did not betray me but i ultimately had to come out anyway because farther into the now-lit cave was a collection of snacks and papers which apparently belonged to me? so i had to go pick them up after mama found them
she was saying something about putting them all in this plastic shopping bag to throw away or give to someone, i don't remember which, but either way it made me eat one more snack than i wanted because i didn't want to lose it...
the papers were some sort of longform letter i'd written about how i didn't want to study abroad because at this rate i'll never truly find employment? something like that...stuck in the school system until i'm old...
anyway xiaoyi got a hold of that and tried to interrogate me on my feelings on the subject but by that point enough other family members had shown up that i had to repeat myself multiple times and still couldn't hear myself over the noise (we were off the hill by this point)
actually the noise scene as a whole i'm pretty sure is because four relatives were playing cards last night and got so loud that i'm not sure sanyi could hear a single word of the video mama wanted me to share with her
umm the rest of my dream is fuzzy but i remember baba and i eating out at the place of my choice, only for me to pick somewhere unimpressive for reasons i've forgotten, and baba ordered something weird from the waiter? like not on the menu and served in tupperware weird
there was also a part where i was at a building that was labeled as some sort of government building like Mayor's Hall or something, but inside was full of file cabinets that rose up to an infinitely high ceiling, and a lot of the cabinets i checked were full of tourist merch i could buy
i could hear canuhl from work somewhere nearby but i think i escaped (i don't know why i kept trying to hide from people in this dream)