Vincent Gogh
cw genocide

Vincent Gogh
whelp Lestat

Vincent Gogh
we also dont get anymore insight about that war

Vincent Gogh
but it was basically a Dalek- Time Lord war but the universe not burning

Vincent Gogh
but it also sets the Time War into motion too

Vincent Gogh
because its why rassilon, comes back

Vincent Gogh
and one of the many reasons, Doctor is angry at rassilon

ahhhh thats interesting

good to know

Vincent Gogh
yeah; Idk why we have this war outside of Rasslion and Omega discovering how to time travel near the end of this

Vincent Gogh
and Omega being cast into a Black Hole by rassilon

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and this near what is called The Dark Times in Who verse history

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and where The Time Lords arent supposed to go too

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I guess its just all set up for rassilon

Vincent Gogh
and the first Doctor stealing and hiding the hand of Omega on Earth, from all of that

Vincent Gogh
which 7 comes back for

Vincent Gogh
but yeah Rasslion will also lead The Time Lords against the Daleks

Vincent Gogh
But this is why before the Time War

Vincent Gogh
The Time Lords are beloved :x

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and Doctor- meanwhile, hasnt been born and is born after the War with the Great Vampires

Vincent Gogh
and near the last to be born on Gallfrey

Vincent Gogh
But yeah, Ten really hates Rasslion

Vincent Gogh
and nearly killed him

Vincent Gogh
lets put it this way, Ten picks up a gun and points at rassilon

Vincent Gogh
Mr. Perch about not killing ^

Vincent Gogh
on the plus side, rassilon is trapped somewhere in a pocket universe in a personal hell of the last day of the war

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over and over and over and over

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because to be honest, after everything rassilon did- Death is too nice in this case and a personal hell of a time loop over and over for entity works

the idea of him with a gun is WILD

Vincent Gogh
it takes a lot for someone to snap

Vincent Gogh
like A LOT, Lot, lotta lot

Vincent Gogh
Doctor Who - The End of Time: Part 2 - Get out of th...


Vincent Gogh
this is why its really hard for someone to break in game

Vincent Gogh
because this is the specials which is after season 4

Vincent Gogh
so Ten has also lost all his human friends for various reasons

Vincent Gogh
He gives no F's anymore

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and also went though that Time Lord Victorious thing with trying to make everyone in the universe immortal

Vincent Gogh
which is also why The Doctor is dangerous there isnt anyone to stop him :x

Vincent Gogh
and why Ten told Albus to kill him btw

Vincent Gogh
because there should always be someone to stop him because he knows he can be dangerous to others

Vincent Gogh
but yeah, RP has never gotten Ten to this point

Vincent Gogh
because it is a lot of wear down

Vincent Gogh
But drag The Doctor though the mud long enough and he did snap

Vincent Gogh
plus its not fun on the players side because at this point, someone doesnt want friends

Vincent Gogh
doesnt want friends and is clinging to life (aka not regenerating)

Vincent Gogh
well - um well /coughs/ ^

Vincent Gogh
but from an RP standpoint, anything after Journeys End would be hard because - icly at that point doesnt want to make new connections

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which is part of the holding the gun deal; he did choose to allow himself to be emotionally stunted

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and the audios that take place during the time between Journeys End and End of Time only reinforce this and Sarah JAne's Wedding (TV) and not hugging his Sarah or offering his Sarah to come with her; yeah YEA

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his best friend there he will not hug ^ the second time around with the same face

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its nothing but angst and depression in the audios ;3;

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Ten also picked up a gun when his daughter got shot

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so there are certain things that can make him - snap

Vincent Gogh
Doctor Who - The Doctor's Daughter - Jenny Dies

Vincent Gogh
but - he still showed mercy ^

Vincent Gogh
the man killed his daughter but the Doctor still didnt kill the person who killed his daughter, which is amazing

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because the easy thing to do is to do the same

Vincent Gogh
it takes strength to not kill in this situation