i know america’s still having thanksgiving, but i just have to flex my friends’ performance at a hotel’s tree lighting event at my hometown earlier
🌟 Christmas is finally... on Facebook
mikaela rose is a seasoned performer but my brother isn’t, or at least not as a soloist and singer, and bestie unintentionally had her debut performance as ennah’s daughter got sick and couldn’t make it (LOL)
8bitmetaphor bc you know them hahaha!
dave and i did the last tree lighting gig back in 2019 https://images.plurk.com/1hClc0fEHSNCiH5IgVdlNV.jpg
but he’s busy this week since he’s in the new king arthur musical that’s premiering on saturday
ennah is also moving to the US come december so the gig group’s basically shifting to having mikaela rose and dave as the frontrunners, and they’ll need to audition new people too
bro works in the capital now so he’s not always present for gigs
so proud of them though, especially bestie! she’s come a reallyyyyyyyyy long way from the shy, stage-fearing, bumbling girl i first met at uni
she’s gone from “burst into tears when called by the professor in class” to “manager in an international company who can dance and perform in front of hundreds of people”
though really, everyone in this group has improved as an artist so much through the years and i’m really really proud of them
my bro and i are the same in that we both want to work with people who keep improving themselves and don’t settle for mediocre. i know i’ve given bestie some tough love but that’s who i am i guess (LOL) and i’m especially harder on friends LOL