D: D: D: Trixie would be FREAKED THE FUCK OUT. Kiryu punches people through walls!!! Who the fuck did this!!! And then she'd go out shooting people, because coping skills are for losers.
so, step one, attempt to treat the wounds, get him immediately to the infirmary if the wounds aren't normal, stick by the bedside until Jon is doing well enough to explain what happened....
Lark would be SO CONCERNED if he found Jon that way. He frets over him a lot :| Everyone else he'd be cool professional medical dude but Jon gets panic with his triage
T for Kiryu - immediate check for nearby danger because anything that could leave him out cold is probably a threat to the structural integrity of the Barge. Then first aid and getting someone to help hoick him to the infirmary.
Norton's agrees with T that whatever could knock Kiryu unconscious is Serious Shit. So getting Kiryu to safety is the first priority and then once Kiryu wakes up having a discussion whether this is someone who needs to be taken out.
Henry would be confused because....dude...aren't you invulnerable? And then sit with him protectively until he wakes up.
Pagan would do the same as Trixie. FULL SCORCHED EARTH because he doesn't do well in that circumstance.