your character finds mine injured and unconscious. how does that go/what happens next?
Rags can't retaliate, but there's lots of swearing at her and fixing her booboos until she's better and then he's firmly in helper role to kick some ass
She swears so much less with him gone.
Yunlan is going to take care of Taylor and probably also call Kiryu for help with that
and won't shed any tears if that ends in culprits getting punched real hard
Get those souls punched out.
Sometimes it's the best course of action.
Mrs Sheepie
taylor gets a full and comprehensive field dressing and full checking to make sure she's stable before hunter goes and hunts down her assailant
frodo panics a little and tries to pull him to somewhere safe. maybe cries a bit...
if the culprit is there and obvious, she's gonna have a HARD TIME stifling the urge to commit murder
but obviously healing spells take preference, so.
take care of Taylor first, deal with the urge to hurt people later
La Comtesse
Eiko pops Clair out and to the lab, then makes sure she’s okay, heals her with the Regeneratron and has some soup ready for when Clair wakes up, along with as much battle array as possible. (“You remember years ago you gave me your armature plans? I have a version of them built in case of emergency or revenge.”)
Awww, yay. You may be the only person still on my plurk who remembers Clair.
She'd be very glad to have any armature available in an emergency.
Healing her, taking her back to her quarter and feeding her some fortifying chicken herbal soup, then go after who did it with prejudice
La Comtesse
Oh, Eiko would have done a few improvements to the armature. Built in forcefield generator, microfusion power source, maybe some guns. And Eiko does remember Clair. She remembers all her friends even if they’ve drifted, and if they called for help, she would be there.