i dreamed something about wandering around a mystery manor trying to solve its riddles, along with mama (there to enjoy the manor part), my brother (useful only in very specific situations), and some kinda demon i'd gotten stuck in a loop between cat and sheep form
i'm not talking moe anime sheep, i'm talking full-sized sheep like the happy hopping one on sheep twitter...the cat looked a little like grim from toast though
the demon situation was actually kind of an issue because i think i needed its demon form to solve one of the puzzles but 1. i didn't know how to fix it, and 2. i wanted to be able to trap it again afterwards
my brother did solve one puzzle on his own, which was that this thing needed the light of three suns to reveal what was hidden within, so he got three penlights and was very annoying about my lack of help until i noticed and went to hold the third for him
for some reason what we were shining our lights on appeared to be a rectangular plastic tub less than half full of water, except the water then coagulated under our lights into some weird dark blue mush, from which i dug up a large variety of objects (mostly books) (for some reason my brother was a few feet away when i started digging)
i think they were all nonfiction textbooks...
i was also looking for some sort of yellow flower to solve one of the many garden puzzles, but i think the flower i needed was hidden behind another puzzle inside the house?
i got the demon to cooperate by preying on its ego/curiosity at one point but i fell asleep before writing dwn this dream so many details are lost
anyway later i found my dad lying around with a book on the living room couch (his default position whenever we visit anywhere at all) and asked where the others went and he said something vague that i figured out, so i ran out and up the hill which then became a street and i could see my siblings on a tour car thing
you know, the jungle safari type of car, except the seats were covered with dark glass
my sister was very annoyed at me for reasons i can't remember, but i ran on foot up the hill to an attraction made to look like three residential buildings in a scifi future community, complete with families living in them
you could tell which part was the attraction because of the three buildings only one had a big flappy plastic curtain large enough for small crowds instead of an actual door, and when i stepped inside a small child in future clothes asked if i was a visitor, at which i was supposed to say yes
i did say yes but the kid's tour speech got interrupted by something shutting down unexpectedly so i stepped outside and the scenery was now black
on my way back down the hill i found a partially used package of boba-flabored bullets for the mini miico gun we'd acquired at some point before, but my brother was being annoying again so i pocketed the pack (he had the empty gun)
the bullets looked more like pellets but i guess that's why the gun was mini
anyway so next we found ourselves in some sort of restaurant/bar where the big tv screen appeared to be playing news reports shown as posts over a background of what was clearly an ongoing mmo (but closer to ro or maplestory than ff14)
one of the posts said something about cultists getting caught? i tried to point out something about the news screen to my dad but he was uninterested
i also found a dirty-looking bathroom where if i held the door aaaaaalmost but not quite fully closed, the barest sliver of dim light caused what looked like a magical sparkler to appear in the boot in the sink, but if i closed or opened the door any farther it would disappear entirely
i called my brother to help and he reluctantly complied but was once again very bad at following instructions unless i was annoyingly specific, but ultimately i did manage to reveal the sparkler and grab hold of it, only for a pair of familiar thugs to show up
i can't say why they were familiar, they just were for some reason
i think ultimately they didn't fight us? they just made a few verbal complaints about something but were otherwise strangely amicable
i think the demon rejoined us around here but i also woke up at this point