[Pokemon] Spoilers in comments.
Is it just me or do so many of the new pokemon remind you of digimon?
Not that they're bad but uh...
I just can't find many in this gen I actually like so far? Haven't bought the game yet, but even watching a playthrough start leaves me feeling a bit iffy.
Anyone playing it actually got feedback on the story/progression side of things?
All I'm seeing is a lot of non skippable scripted cut scenes and on rails progression... Don't want to go too far into the playthroughs since I don't want to spoil the whole game for myself if I decide to play, but seriously... how long does the forced hand holding go on?
I mean... a frigging engine pokemon? I'll admit that I was also hoping better than 'wugtrio' fer effs sake. I know they're trying to do some kind of divergent evolution thing but really... switch the colors between the nose and body, then copy paste it three times?
I mean... at least it's not just 3 of them jammed together but man, not by much... is it wrong that I kinda hoped for something more?
Please someone tell me that it's worth playing for the story at least? Like, is anyone enjoying it? Not gonna lie, I was half looking forward to this but uh... so far it's not really grabbing me. I can handle a bad story if I like the mons, but at this point uhm...
Basically is it worth playing for the story/mechanics alone? Looking at the dex I see about a dozen pokemon I actually like an that's kinda pushing it. Can you import old pokemon from other regions? Is there breeding? Because yeah... that's about all I do post game is breed... >.>
I feel you hard anon, I have not really wanted to get the newer pokemon games at all, but my sibling REALLY wants it.
There is breeding. Don’t know enough about the story yet to really judge. I got Violet, but I like some of Scarlet’s exclusives more. Haven’t started playing yet, but was following some people talking about it
I think this game is shaping up to one that you either love or hate... I'll admit I don't think I'm going to hate it, but so far it's a 'meh' from me. I'll either wait till it goes on sale or see if I can find a used copy in a couple of months. I just can't find the excitement to want to play it and pay full price for it.
I wouldn't mind a review if someone wanted to do a spoiler light version of it... A breakdown of mechanics and general story pacing... though if that Gimmighoul is another 'can't get/evolve without pkmn go' mons I'm going to scream. I freaking hate meltan/metal because of the gatekeeping. I still don't have one and at this point I don't want one.
I can say without spoilers that it is not
Oh thank fuck. I would probably have boycotted the game out of sheer spite if it had been.