3 days until pokemon

cramping magnificently today, it is a miracle I am able to be productive at all but I'm getting shit done

it's fucking snowing I'm so cranky about it

they're moving the hvac units onto the roof using a crane and installing them today (in the snow, the poor guys) and they turned the lights off in my lobby

and because it's snowing the natural light I get is very dim and grey so I'm like working in the dark

had to be THIS WEEK, huh >:/

also my coworker is on vacation all week so I'm doing part of her job


𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗏𝖺'𝗌 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌 ❄️
Promise of pokemon getting me through

Barnaby Smalls
too many video games, i need everyone to slow down

Barnaby Smalls
just picture me staring at a shelf at Persona 5, Pokemon and the new WoW expac and sweating profusely

pokemon most important

all problems in my life can be solved by just rubbing a pokemon on it for a while

I hear scarlet/violet are way more fun than sw/sh and also way more influenced by legends arceus

I wish to make a sandwich for my team

there's a certain sandwich you can make that ups your chance to encounter shinies by like a billion percent

Barnaby Smalls
it would be nice to be playing it at the same time everyone else is, for a change...

every time I get my period I start craving taco bell. when am I gonna learn that is the devil talking

yyy i hear it's gonna take the ideas put forth in the last dlc and run with it

which will be very welcome i think

maybe there's sammiches you can make to boost breeding rates :3

there's sandwiches for just about everything, from what I hear, sammies that make your pokemon randy is not out of the realm of possibility, as nasty as that is to contemplate

I'm taking weed cat btw I don't even care i love grass type starters and you can't stop me

first gym could be fire type and I don't even CARE

it's me and my kitty til the end of time

𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗏𝖺'𝗌 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌 ❄️
Maybe I just never evolve the kitty

𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗏𝖺'𝗌 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌 ❄️
It's so cute.... But I love me some fire pokemon

the pepper gator is also extremely cute!!!!!!!!

he is so chill and friendly lookin what a guy

quaxly also cute he is a duck and he has a big ol coiffure

emotional about how much I love these little guys........ it's that time of month but I just love pokemon SO MUCH

pokemon center is getting pikachu and gengar squishmallows.............
