Alright Harry’s AC has plopped in, now onto 4th Wall Shenanigans.
So Harry is going to move into FE3H compound in Olivine some time after evolving Godric and staying over at Goldenrod for a while. He has an ongoing thread with Hermione and hopefully Felix of arranging the move.
Plus he is getting a Misdreavous and naming her in honor of Professor McGonagall. Hopefully the wise old witch won’t mind having a ghost Pokémon named after her.
And once he gets to Olivine and plants roots in the FE:3H compound, he will get a Chewtle at Route 40.
Let’s just say he goes onto a ‘small’ walk to said Route and the Chewtle was found attempting to bite his backpack.
And she (The Chewtle) will be a bitey one. Sirius the Houndoom should be mellowing a bit by this time, especially with some training and having a training battle with Dimitri’s team.
Also so with the 4th Event Harry is regaining his magic for a short time so expecting tons of magic spells galore.
So anyone who wants to check out, feel free to drop in during the 4th Wall Event. :-)