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YouTube put my faaaave episode of artiswitch back on my front page
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So I rewatched it
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I loooove this episode
baby gremlin
Whoa I've never heard of this but it's so strange and interesting
baby gremlin
Also wtf was that Ishida Akira
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baby gremlin : YES AND PLEASE WSTCH IT
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It's SO GOOD the whole thing is on YouTube it's basically just like
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each episode has someone with some sort of problem so they go to Nina (the witch) and buy a
Thing and she helps them with their problem via a music video style exploration in cool 3D and art and music
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kind of like holic but much shorter snippets
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They're just all extended music videos!!!!
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and there's a (very very thin) overarching Nina plot
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But the art direction is CRAZY GOOD
baby gremlin
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Each episode is only like a bit over 7 min long iirc
baby gremlin
her outfits 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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YESSSSS and it's like all collabs with actual designers
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The artiswitch insta account has so much good shit too
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It's short and weird and so good I love it