July, July
Kim Kardashian on Twitter
This has me cackling horribly. I don't really care about the Kardashians et al but the quoted tweets and replies over this are hilarious. She has broken so many casual gatekeeping comic fanboys with this.
departed 👻
i'm kind of impressed she even knows who selene is
July, July
There are people speculating it is because of an X-Men podcast that does content on tiktok but... that still means someone is listening to an X-men podcast.
July, July
departed 👻 : That's exactly what is breaking their little angry gatekeeping brains.
departed 👻
i love that
July, July
There are some people being nitpicky at the movieverse style choice for Mystique in context instead but also I honestly get the decision with going with the movie version rather than comics for Mystique.
departed 👻
i do prefer her comics look (since she is, you know, at least wearing clothes) but the movie appearance is definitely more well-known
It's also technically her default comics appearance, she just prefers the traditional look.
Right after the movies came out, comics Mystique and Toad got zapped by radiation that "enhanced" their mutations and turned them into identical versions to the movie versions.