For any of mine
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
For Nobunaga - 2, 4, 24
2: re: criminals / murderers who've done time for it

Man I'm forever surprised it doesn't come up more often/nearly ever. CW: Untouchables // So otoh: Nobunaga is REALLY shocked actually by "criminals" being open about it; because it means something severely different from his time. Pratt at least got through to him that 1) fines exist 2) there's no
untouchable status for murderers/etc.
BUT He still hasn't really dealt with what that means in a hard sense. [might never] -- in his own lands, he'd just be like "cool that means they can work for me." And straight up says he has an army of demons. But there's a disconnect between his willingness to employ former bandits/murderers/criminals who did such severe things (like HIMSELF) vs. his
desire to make sure the soldiers don't see themselves only as weapons, and have a life outside of the army should they wish it and/or seek retirement and/or if something comes up to make them no longer soldiers etc.
-> because the most severe of crimes murder in a murder not WAR sense; are the tattoos and straight up untouchable level. So this is also a big thing with him planning/wanting to get himself a tattoo/scar etc. because it's the most severe of untouchables. "An exorcism" from demon king/royalty status in the strongest sense.
He has the general same attitude at home/as on the ship / PROBABLY in Dreamscape too: which is that he's the general of an army of demons, the worst of the worst, and will take everyone because they aren't worse than him, and his pride is finding them a place in the army. But he does treat them differently from noncombatants. Because even though employing
Hon'ami Koetsu as an artist/poet is still KIND OF THE SAME as hiring Ranmaru :|||| (It's not though) non-combatants are more precious/fragile and he does separate them because he can be more fucked up, himself, and brutal around soldiers (GENERALLY) and it's one thing to want to destroy the castes, and another entirely to act as if they don't exist at all
Nobunaga 3 and 7
4: Reveal a secret to prove one's own innocence. This one is stupidly easy purely because Nobunaga is like "I'm never innocent :V" Yolo. So nope. It's one of the few things he'll ever lie about too; to take negative consequences on himself. Just like "BRING IT THE FUCK ON." - In Avalon he was put in the stockades and he was trying to egg the crowd on more
24: Nobunaga has no problem with others crying. He DOES In canon (both IkeSen & SLBP) He doesn't view it as shameful/weak, but knows others do and gets a little big brotherly about it by which I mean "tough love" rather than just "purely protective" because he thinks it's more about how one handles it internally than others' externalized views about it.
He USUALLY won't cry himself because it's pretty selective on what doesn't turn him icy cold / EXTREMELY detached instead.
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
These answers are so interesting! I picked ones that I had no idea about the possible answers for, so lots of insight into his character there.
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Although now I want him to have a crime conversation with Ari sometime, if he was surprised about fines. Ari's people have no prisons.
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
It's all fines. Unless you do something bad enough to get executed. (Or if you're on a starship they can kick you off at the next stop and make you someone else's problem)
(LOL) right
April also reminded him that of course Nobunaga wasn't arrested... he IS the law so :|
But tbf Nobunaga kind of would be of the mind that if you could work enough that is how crime should be dealt with -- the problem is 1) slave labor 2) it can't be inherited wealth (in his opinion) so it'd literally have to be more advanced than "the rich can do whatever they want, and the poor can't do anything"
3 and 7
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Ooh they'd have a good argument over inherited wealth then. (She'd agree that slavery is totally wrong, but having money taken from your wages to pay off your debt isn't slavery.)
JingleBells : for whom?
That wouldn't be his argument against XD His argument is that if you inherit your wealth you are instantly at a starting position where it's your ancestors paying your debts
which isn't production ;-)
3: YES. He uh LITERALLY the whole IkeSen canon is about Nobunaga's life specifically getting saved :VVVV So fuck the timeline, give him the wormholes
And wrt paradoxes he's just like "SO what I'll fight the paradoxes (bamf)"
DITTO 7 because
was 1) Kenshin 2) Motonari 3) Kennyo 4) Shingen 5) Yoshimoto
which is basically his worst enemies in that order
He even has some fucky things wherein having to keep those fucking lunatics alive is part of extending his life
because ~~~balance~~~~
And keeping ANY of them alive is a struggle, but Kenshin, Kennyo, and Motonari are IN ORDER
1) the God of War who thinks he's just a blade and not allowed to be anything else because of severe religious brainwashing
2) the religious brainwashing cult leader who embraces hell (TRUE BELIEVER) as long as he drags Nobunaga down with him
3) a fucking crazy anarchist pirate hellbent on world domination
They're all beyond suicidal so
If you ever wondered why Nobunaga seems so much ~~~freer~~~ and giddy than canon WELL THAT'S WHY
"Oh my dream is accomplished, I'm FREE, I get to EXPLORE, and I don't have to do with severely brainwashed lunatics trying to undermine me and kill themselves just for a chance to assassinate me? (thinking) HMMMM"
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Inheritance - it'd be such an interesting conversation because on a personal level Ari agrees. When she was fined, she paid it off with her wages even though it would have been nothing for her family to take care of it.
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
On a societal level? If you tell anyone what they can and can't do with their money (including leaving it to their children) then you are a tyrant.
he's like "HELLO DEMON KING OF COURSE I AM " but on a very very very PRACTICAL level he knows people won't work just for their own benefit, so a lot of them will only do it for their children's/descendants benefit; especially in his own century where there's still a huge Chinese RESPECT/HONOR Ancestor worship esp. wrt religion
- though even if he had access to future history/economics books this would be his conclusion (I ASSUME) because the Pilgrims straight up were starving until they were like "Okay okay we'll give you LAND for you children/descendants in exchange for food production"
SO -- I AM 100% BIASED IN THINKING because this is my economics world domination/fix human history course correction plan - He would probably (I hope) come to the idea that it would just take a lot of fucking balance in what are the "sins"/crimes and fines and how they're allotted vs. production itself
- so he would definitely be anti-pollution/corporate irresponsibility (historically was indeed funny enough)
- would favor the yakuza-style community outreach of doing things to earn local trust even though he super distrusts the bandits/ninjas/religious factions that did it; but only in the abuse sense, so just a way more strict consequences that would be
more instantly enacted etc.
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Ari would argue that no, he can't be a tyrant, it's not congruent with respecting people's individual rights and she knows he cares about that! But I totally see where he's coming from there and why.
(LOL) He'd be like "... SURE \:|/" but he was known for being pretty despotic (LOL)
Honestly in IkeSen one of the only reasons he's not worse is because he's kind of Oppositional Defiant Disorder :V so whenever Hideyoshi and the Empeoror were like "LET'S MAKE YOU A KING/OFFICIAL TYRANT" he was like
In s3 of TUA
Diego's kid (SPOILERS) tells Klaus about being ODD according to psychologists and Klaus is just there going ":-o same" and Nobunaga was like "Yeah same (thinking)"
CC: but you ARE the authority (unsure)
Nobunaga; So no one else can be mine (nottalking)
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
lol I mean there are worse reasons for wanting to be at the top
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
also offtopic but I absolutely love his message for Ari. Yes, she is totally the substitute Hideyoshi now.
27% is hideyoshi's mother henning + "SWORDS ARE GREAT" shared enthusiasm with Nobunaga, being a monkey, and such but he's okay with those being Hide specifical things (LOL)
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
That's very fair. I don't think she wants those bits :-D
Yes (LOL)
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
she'll stick to weird survivor's guilt and 'I failed because if I were there maybe I could have saved everyone'
That's why they'd make a cute couple -- he says
rofl right
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
No, Ari, you'd have died.
Or been in the body pile with Klaus and more guilt about literally suriving using corses of friends :\
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
See she is just imagining that she'd have been awesome, saved Nobunaga, shot all the ghosts. Nope. she's good, but not that good.
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
I love how perceptive he is though. Just a short note and he sees what's behind it instantly.
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Debatable how long it'll take before Ari ever looks at that phone to see his response lol
XD ikr
he might drag her out for TRAINING anyway but I have to see how it plays out with Klaus. Like it's fun but he's definitely my least predictable character, which is saying something since Ace never knows what the fuck is going to happen
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
No worries! It's all still forward-dated at this point anyway, so wait and see how it goes. But yes if he comes to find her for training that is proof she is not a useless disappointment in his eyes, etc. She'd be very pleased.
I feel like (at least in sympathetic interpretations) Nobunaga's tyranny is at least analogous to Lelouch's in CG, in the sense of "first I'm going to force you to stop doing dumb shit, and then I'll irritate and terrorize you until you decide to never allow monarchy ever again"
he strikes me as being very "if lots of murder for the next ten years is what it takes to make a better world for the next thousand, then let's get murderin' time's a-wastin' let's go"
Lol sure. But like 20-40 years. It's lowkey accelerations theory slightly but less severe than certain others
Like more mass genocide than 5 from TUA instead of precision strikes but
Whatson : that's me.
CC: gatekeeping Fandom is good or else you get hobby gentrification like sports.

Also CC: But no one needs to be left out. They just have to find their TRUE passion and NOT be in places to exploit their power or exert undue authority over others X-(

But CC isn't that what gatekeeping is?
No stfu
...I feel like you might mean something different by "gatekeeping" than most people do XD
Keep out those who'd pervert it into status symbols and pollute it because they don't care and don't love it at all (nottalking)
I know most people use it like "keep out minorities and women" but obviously that's freaking stupid and THOSE losers can get uprooted and yeeted