Virizion α
[meme] kind of a double plurk almost but sure I'll do the villains I've played meme too
Virizion α
the list contains one entry, and that entry is Lyon
Virizion α
I guess you could count the Susukodama too? My little joke journal. But I ask you, does it really count as a villain if its purpose in its canon is just to be a puff ball for Dayuu to talk to, and if it never actually tries to antagonize the Shinkengers because it is literally a sentient soot ball?
Virizion α
And yeah, Kurow is the dragon of the final boss of Okamiden, but he's not a villain, he's just dumb.
Virizion α
Alpha has also cameoed a few times here and there, but I hardly count that as playing him.
Virizion α
But yeah, the joke is that I play cute things and Ryner (but Ryner can be cute too when he wants to be), but more seriously I play kind boys with possession issues.
Virizion α
You'd think there would be more villains on this list, then, but I'm also extremely picky and also extremely conservative with my spell slots these days when it comes to rp.
Virizion α
(That said, if I ever actually sit down and rewatch the show, I could totally see myself playing Ken Ichijouji someday.)