Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
lol sure. US Level. I don't get out much. https://images.plurk.com/70K2hMuiV18VtFPb6Besnu.png
https://images.plurk.com/mialX5d5wwD3vLkxKJmKj.png lol east coast just a whole lot of white
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I wish I could travel more rofl
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I end up in my section of states rofl
most of mine have been from family visit road trips when I was younger
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I've only been to IA, NE, and MN because cons
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Accidentally ended up in ND once because I took the wrong exit
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And TN was a touch down for a flight to goto LA
it's mostly the middle for me
been all over both coasts for the most part
oh I forgot a layover in Salt Lake City oops I think I gave it to New Mexico
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I wish I was joking when I say 2 cons a year is the most I get out of the state... Lol