i dreamed there was a guy hidden somewhere in the mall who was teetering on the brink between sanity and being controlled by some strange incorporeal figure
the mall looked a lot like the dream mall i went to in a different dream a long while back....
anyway there were also pills involved? as in, he had a red pill on him, but it was unclear whether taking it or getting rid of it was the correct way to save him?
the dream played out like a game with multiple endings so in one i think? he might've taken the pill? and then seemed to have lost his mind worshipping this beautiful feminine voice that whispered gentle words of affirmation in his ear
in another he stuck the pill in an elevator and sent it away but we all reacted badly to this option for some reason
the only reason we were able to locate the guy was because the music playing on the mall speakers started getting some kinda intermittent interference and we realized it was the sound of him sniffing l because he was crying
somehow this meant he was in--i forget what that room was but with how small it was i want to call it some kinda walk-in storage closet
i didn't see any other endings for this guy but as we loaded the save again for another attempt at capturing him i found myself running outside, and then there was something about an abandoned house occupied by a trio of ghosts or goblins or something?
you could call them a nuclear family but it was unclear if they were related and very clear that they were dysfunctional
oh yeah when i say "we" i mean me, some guy who looked around my age, and possibly a third familiar face but i don't remember enough to say