New Shibe
today needs to quit. seriously
New Shibe
after the fiasco that was this morning, I decided to go do some last minute shopping for a halloween costume and pick up shampoo after work
New Shibe
go to the store to get shampoo, grab the shampoo bottle by the pump, shampoo bottle proceeds to go sploot on the floor after I've taken about three steps
New Shibe
but whatever, I have smartly ordered myself BBQ for pick up. because I deserved it! go pick up my BBQ, start to drive him
New Shibe
New Shibe
traffic is fuckballs
New Shibe
absolute fuckballs
New Shibe
there was a point where I was literally able to eat half my dinner because we were just not moving at all
New Shibe
get home, and some chucklenuts is parked across my driveway. so i cannot park my car
New Shibe
like. in the end I do have everything I need for a decent halloween costume now. I am home and had a tasty dinner. but i'm not really loving this instant karma
woof 8(
nice guy goose
ew 8(
god sorry, i was scrolling the tl and it clicked a button. also sorry about today 8(
New Shibe
bladeosaurus : i did not ssee what happened so is all good
accidental replurk but i fixed it
New Shibe
aha, no worries