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Pet related stuff
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I'm mostly putting a mute emote on because I feel like I'm the asshole somehow whenever I voice my thoughts on dogs for how involved people get when it comes to them for lack of better words
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I get hesitant to speak my mind because I feel like I'd get followed up with something like "how dare you not like dogs"
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It's not that I don't like them necessarily, I just have a harder time with them, especially if they're big (most are) and if they're not trained properly
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But I won't go into those reasons necessarily because I feel like I've talked about it before and get nervous about talking about it
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Because it feels like people who like dogs specifically go nuts over them over other animals (not saying other pets don't get the same attention it just seems a lot more prevelant with dogs)
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Anyway the point of this is not to go into that specifically but... I've realized something
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I think the reason why this sort of bothers me is because I'm not the type of person to baby talk any pet or anything. And that's not a bad thing that people do. I just want to make that perfectly clear. It just shows how much they love the dog (or pet in general) and to play with them. That's 100% fine. I just... Can't do it because it's not in my nature to
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Because I can guarantee that if someone were to do the same to a cat or any other pet (and I'm more of a cat person), I would feel the same awkward, annoyed feeling???
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So it's not even a matter of what kind of animal it is (I just see it a lot towards dogs specifically), it's just a matter of the action itself???
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This is brought up by the fact that they've been bringing in a puppy since it was a baby and there were like 5 or 6 people baby talking this puppy and I'm just in my area like "ugghhhhhhhhh"
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Not that it's unexpected by any means. I just... get sick of hearing it every time I work down here.
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And it made me realize that it's just because I'm not quite like that that I don't get it myself? Like okay... I do but I don't if that makes sense???
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Because the worst I get is I might be like "Oh! Kitty!!!" for like a moment (despite them being a full grown cat rofl) and then I just sort of let it go?
I think that's fair, yeah. I'd get tired of hearing it all the time too.
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Which is why I'm a cat person because cats will demand love and pets for a moment and walk off randomly to do their own thing... Which falls in line with how I am too???
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And I just now (after 10,000 years) put 2+2 together
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Because I feel like if someone acted that way towards a cat, I'd probably feel the same way rofl
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It just feels like dogs get this all the time???
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But I'll be honest, even as a cat person, I sort of zone out anytime pet talk comes up because it almost always derives to this?? Which is silly to think about because at the end of the day, it's just showing your love for your pet to gush about them (and it's totally acceptable!!). Idk why I can gush about a character I play or like but I can't do the same
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Towards a pet beyond "look at my cute pet." or in my case.... My chubby furball when we still had them lol
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Like it seems contridictary so I roll back to "i feel like I'm the asshole here" and I don't want to be that asshole??
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The other thing is I haven't been able to have a pet in ages so I think that also plays a hand in this until I can finally get the damn parts of the house done to finally move in because poor Lucky not having someone there all the time
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I've wanted to be in lot sooner than this...
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Anyway that's my Ted talk
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I just needed to get thoughts out
Catgirl Crimes
That's valid - I am guilty, but I notice I do baby talk dogs more than cats. Like I still talk to the cats but usually not baby talk. I think it's just that dogs are more domesticated than cats so it's almost like people infantilize them if that makes sense?
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It does I just realize it's not my style so that's why it doesn't really work for me? Like I'll talk to my cats but I don't do that necessarily?
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When we had our cats, one cat I had liked to take over my entire lap (and sometimes my upper torso) if I let him like... Okay this sint working anymore, Boots lol. But like they're still affectionate, just more independent than a dog might be?
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And I realized that that's probably why I'm more of a cat person because I like the bursts of "love me damn it. Why did you stop petting" to "okay I'm good now. Bye"
Catgirl Crimes
For sure! It's nice that they like want to do their own cat business and not be with you 24/7 like many dogs do. I was lucky that I had a cat disguised as a dog growing up because I wasn't constantly being loved bombed lol. But yeah, dog lovers, like I mean dog or bust levels, are a whole ass thing
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And that's what I've noticed specifically towards dogs
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It seems frequent towards them
I' m with you on "why the fuck do people not train their dogs"
And I think that's the crux of it. Cats aren't really domesticated, technically. They don't really get trained.
The culture is interesting too. People know what they get into with cats. But then people see trained dogs and get a dog thinking theirs will be just like that.
Dogs are work. Way more work than cats. But the work you put into it always bears fruit.
It's why I tend to say hey, if you want companionship and don't really wanna put much work in, get a cat. Just learn that cats are also a lesson in consent. They want attention on their terms and will let you know- whether you like it or not- when they're done. Leave 'em alone.
(Dogs are a lesson in consent as well but that's a whole other chestnut, but I digress)
Catgirl Crimes
God yes I agree - Some neighbors the next street over got a dog and they haven't trained them at all because anything sets it off and then the whole neighborhood starts barking and it's like for the love of god please train your dog
Catgirl Crimes
As I say that, it is now going off
M-hm. Some of the dogs I work with at my daycare I desperately wanna slip my business card into their report like
"I can help you with this. Holy shit. Just give me the time."
I have trained about 100 dogs to a CGC level and about a quarter of them are therapy/service dog still active today.
But oh my god the number of asshole dogs that just run the house drives me crazy
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Yeah... Like cats take care of themselves for the most part, aside from providing food and water, and changing their litter
Give a cat a place to stretch their claws, a high place to observe goings-on from, one litter box-plus-one per cat, and plenty of food and water. Done.
You're 90% on catte.
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A lot of our cats have been outdoor cats who got used to living inside. I had cats that would sit by an open door but not leave because they were like "nah I'm good. Did that before"
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So I never had to worry about them running out on me
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And that was completely on the cat deciding not to. Nothing that I did
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The most I did is my cat I had knew when to get out of my seat with just a look rofl
On the topic of baby talking too, that's incredibly interesting. We're still studying on the psychological effects of tones like that, but the interesting thing is that the body language matters far more than the sounds you make.
I always say dogs are fluent in body.
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And that makes sense
That look to the cat? Cat knows what that means. Cats stare at each other all the time to convey.
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It was at first "move" and pointing to the side
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Over time all I needed was a look
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Like actually telling him to move out of my seat, but it's definitely a cat thing to take your seat if you get up because it's warm rofl
"thanks chum, I'll nap right here"
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He'd meow at me and move rocl
I always had to watch when I opened the fridge at my parents'- the cat they had loved the heat coming from the exhaust vents at the bottom
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We also found out the other cat will wink at us and we didn't teach him that
Distinct, deliberate slow blinking at each other is a peaceful greeting in cats. That cat just. Does it halfway. And comes off as saucy.
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It's really funny. We'd wink to him and he'd wink back
Weirdly enough... I only use the high pitchy voice when I want to GRAB the attention, like if a dog is not listening. I have to wonder just how "poisoned" some cues are when they get baby-talked all the time...
I guess because deeper voices can be intimidating so everyone wants to sound harmless.
when they can just. use their usual voice. And the dog can become comfortable with that.
We have a chihuahua, Chewie, who can be a little bit of an independent booger but hes a chi, chis are like that
But the moment you call him CHEW-CHEW, he is all about wherever you're going.
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And like, I get wanting to play with your pet or show love Ect.... But it just seems like a bit much at times?
Some folks wildly overstimulate their dogs, yeah
and then they go HE JUMPS ALL OVER ME WHY IS THAT??
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Jumping is my biggest issue because idk how to handle it and a lot of dogs are huge and I'm... Not...
Jumping's a sticky sitch because dogs lick each other's faces to greet and even jumping itself can be rewarding because it forces attention- be it shoving them off and yadda yadda.
All I can recommend is turning away, but the frustrating thing is that if the owner is ok with the dog jumping on THEM there's no consistency so the dog won't really learn. :/
Dogs don't do "sometimes". It's All Is OK or None Is OK.
They -could- put the jump on them on cue and for lack of a cue they learn not to do it
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That's the problem. A lot of owners don't teach them not to
Trust me, it vexes me as much if not more than it vexes people who just don't want dogs jumping on them
It's like come on, the least you can do is try and impart some fuckin' manners
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I can't walk into my brothers house at all without their dog constantly jumping at me and she's huge
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I can barely go to the door honestly
potential threshold trigger...
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It's mostly because she's very much "OMG NEW PERSON" so it's not out of harm or anything but still...
yeah he needs to work out leashing the dog when visitors come and maintain control until she calms down from NEW PERSON vibing
You can greet if you're four on the floor, butthead
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But they've had her fora few years now and they're not goi g to now if they didn't before
I'm sorry.
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Like I don't mind dogs who are chill
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As long as they're not constantly jumping on me, I don't mind
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Ill give pets and all that no problem, it's just.. That first hurdle rofl
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The hotel I worked at for 3 years, one of the residents had a pretty big dog, but she was very chill and loving. she was also very old but still rofl
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She was a sweetheart
That does get my goat, though- anyone who says hey so I'm not super obsessed or jazzed with dogs/cats- they get mobbed for some reason, like
they're just animals
not everyone is gonna love your cat or your dog
let's settle the fuck down
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That's why I get really nervous??
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Because it does happen or feels like it will if I do?
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And I don't want to step on toes either but need to speak my mind sometimes
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As long as people aren't being like super toxic about it or mistreating pets somehow, i don't get the "let's jump them" mentality
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This is unrelated to pets, but I don't even touch the topic of mlp anymore because of you said you didn't get the craze or you grew out of it when you were young, you almost always had people like "HOW DARE YOH NOT LIKE THIS THIS IS A SIN"
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I had one friend group do that to me and I went "JESUS CHRIST CALM DOWN. I DIDN'T SAY IT WAS AWFUL I JUST SAID I WASN'T INTO IT"
When people make fandom their personality that's when I start hard side-eyeing.
like. If I don't like what you're into, it's not an attack on YOU. I just don't want the candy ponies, please.
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But yeah that's the same feeling I get with the pet thing... Not as bad but it's still there
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The mlp thing is much worse for sure rofl
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Yeah I also love being put on hold for scheduling stuff because I need help with something so that the person helping can chat with people randomly and also gush about this puppy...
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