go rimbaud
[meme] please allow me to introduce myself https://imgs.plurk.com/QBs/Lho/ChTSYFiuTUptZ0o99CHO1Bn6lYQ_lg.jpg https://imgs.plurk.com/QBs/OD4/nskmm01B8VXDJ1M8iY5z4ssuqW5_lg.jpg https://imgs.plurk.com/QBs/dyz/xLvMiSG2qvNGloT8eUpwjUuQCuu_lg.jpg https://imgs.plurk.com/QBs/Kf5/l784FPAWLAhqanQKIGPf8dchyRM_lg.gif
go rimbaud
i haven't read any of these in at least a decade, but they had a profound impact when i did
go rimbaud
anyway if there's one tattoo i thought about getting in my twenties that i'd still get today, it's the phrase "god damn it, you've got to be kind"