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little character things. like, RP differences in playstyle based on the particular character you're running
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elle: jumps off of shit all the time. why bother taking the stairs when she can drop down onto that ledge there and then to the ground floor from there
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zetta: refuses to loot bodies, like, at all, for a long time. which definitely increases the difficulty of her playthroughs
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when given both options, elle will chose lockpicking and zetta will choose hacking
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elle will eat Fucking Anything and especially goes out of her way to pick up bubblegum and gumdrops. zetta is very picky
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she'll eat some pre-war food, but won't eat bugs or dogs. (elle will eat dogs if she has no other choice, but bugs are A-OK. pre-war food is A-OK. when i say she'll eat anything, i mean ANYTHING if it isnt spoiled or. human/ghoul)
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zetta favors energy weapons, elle favors ballistics. if given the chance, zetta actually prefers to set traps and not fight at all. elle's favored way of ending fighrs fast is with headshots (ironic)
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both are not great in close quarters but zetta is better than elle just because she'll go positively feral when cornered
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(elle is better with melee weapons though. marginally. zetta would be great with knuckles but give elle a knife and she's uncomfortably accurate. thanks dead money!)
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when it comes to building, elle prefers to build on existing structures 100% and likes communal areas, like. communal cooking, eating, bathing, etc
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zetta is like "no take it all down and rebuild from scratch." she's also more hands-on with it bc she has the knowledge. she highly prizes privacy, so you'll see less communal areas in her settlements and more priority given to each house having a kitchen and bathroom
i love seeing those sorts of differences emerge