Makima: Fucking terrifying Devil with capital D you should absolutely not put your dick in / she's actually too easy to be around and empathize with because we have so much in common and I'm so happy to be putting my dick in her
I don't think Gonou's opinion of Makima as interesting but dangerous has changed at all! Jon has gone from his friend's authoritarian warden who he is wary of to a complete dork who needs to be looked after, probably by a large team of friends
He hasn't decided what he thinks about Dracula. But he may move away from learning magic back towards science, because the qi manipulation is suiting him much better!
Daniel was talking about the rules Jon had for him at first! And with Alec cracking down on him over a murder, Gonou had a slightly warped idea of what Wardens were like....
Jon: "quiet, smart. friend of Lark's, I think" to "clearly trying to be a good guy, definitely has way too much on his plate" Makima: "good kid, works hard, doesn't think much of herself" to "I don't know what to think. her reassurances sound like threats. she is so vastly powerful and has no qualms using it"
Jacobi/Jon: "sad drinking buddy???" -> "would 100% die for and go scorched earth on and also will wrap in a burrito and make happy" Jacobi/Dracula: "whoa, dracula!" -> "mentor and teacher and buddy" Jacobi/Warren: "hot guy in the bar" -> "hot guy in my bed with my ring"
Jon: some powerful dude that everybody likes and trusts and goes to to fix stuff / oh wait, is he actually neurotic and unsure of himself? really? that is so not what it says on the tin. and I'm terrified that I want him to fix me. I shouldn't do that.
Dracula: Never Trust Vampires; They're All Monsters / Fuck that vampire in particular because his magic can literally do anything and everyone loves him and he's also stupid tall and I hate that that even matters to me
Vlad's went from 'wait, who' alll the way to 'very decent, absolutely works hard, deserves backup' Kiryu's has gone from 'he's in charge of counseling and has a chicken, seems like a really community-focused sort' to 'oh no, he Cares. ;~;'
He's fucking adorable and Sweeney hates that he's so strangely likeable. Which is obviously why everyone likes him, but Sweeney feels like he shouldn't be a sucker that buys in just because everyone else does
Makima: "good kid, works hard, doesn't think much of herself" to "I don't know what to think. her reassurances sound like threats. she is so vastly powerful and has no qualms using it"
Jacobi/Dracula: "whoa, dracula!" -> "mentor and teacher and buddy"
Jacobi/Warren: "hot guy in the bar" -> "hot guy in my bed with my ring"
He's very straightforward.
Daniel/Jon: "Oh shit, who is this" -> "Pure, unadulterated adoration"
Pagan/Kiryu: "Oh get a look at this fucker" -> "in love, would never change"
Kiryu's has gone from 'he's in charge of counseling and has a chicken, seems like a really community-focused sort' to 'oh no, he Cares. ;~;'